°×°Chapter 29°×°

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°Carlita's POV°

"It's better if I show you. We don't have much time. His cycle will end soon, and once it does..."

"We're fucked."

Early morning, Mike took as all through town, helping us remember memories we didn't even know existed all this time, the morning wind blowing through my hair as we walked through town.

Slowly after, as the sun started to rise we found ourselves in the woods, where some of our time together took place as well. "The Barrens." Beverly speaks up, it was the place we went to right after the rock war.

"This is where we came after the rock fight." Ben says in realization, looking around.

"The clubhouse." Richie states.

"You built that for us." Beverly points out to Ben who looked rather proud of himself. "Yeah, the hatch has got to be around here someplace." Richie says, pointing at the ground.

"You did. I do remember that!" Eddie says from the back, as we followed Ben a little further ahead, for some strange reason Bill kept me close to his side, I accidentally stepped on a stick almost making me fall to the ground, I closed my eyes, waiting to fall, but it never came, because arms wrapped around my waist. Opening my eyes, I was looking straight into those memorising blue eyes.

"You okay?" Bill asks, I slowly nod my head at him, unable to look away. "What?" He asks, a small smile on his face. "You haven't changed much, that's all. I mean, it's a good thing." I tell him honestly, a smile on my face, he let go of me, we quickly caught up with the others.

"You know what? I actually think the door was more like around..." Ben says, stepping on the ground, suddenly falling thru the ground, which must have been really painful. "Found it. I'm okay." We heard him say.

"Come down!"

Ben has told us to follow him, as we just came from sweet victory that could end up blowing up in our faces. We climbed down some steps, in the ground. I was quite impressed with his work.

"What the dick is this? How'd you build it?" Richie asks. Bill climbing down, he held his hand out for me, helping me down, I gave him a smile as a thank you. "When did you build it?" Bill asks, looking around, like everyone else was doing.

"Here and there, I guess. It was already dug out from something, so I just had to reinforce the walls and get some wood for the roof door, and that's pretty much it. Pretty good for my first time, huh?" Ben explains, placing his hand against one of the poles, it made part of the roof fall down, it made Stanley almost jump into my arms.

"Now that's a cool feature. What happens when you put your hand on the other pillar, professor?" Richie asks sarcastically. "Okay, you see, this is exactly why there are safety codes, why we have permits. This place is a death trap. You understand that?" Eddie states, making the poor boy looking down.

"Eds, Rich, leave him alone, it's obviously a working progress, and Ben don't listen to them, I'm really impressed by your work, maybe one day you could build my house for me?" I ask him, with a small smile, that seemed to brighten up his mood instantly. "That sounds great!" He says in excitement, but Eddie still had a lot to say.

"Just so you know, I get hurt, you are liable, and, also, what is this? The switch of an iron maiden?" Eddie asks, pointing at a light. "That's a flashlight." Ben points out the obvious.

"What is that a horse hitch?" Eddie asks again, pointing out something in a far corner. "When do you have horses down... Oh, this is cool." Eddie says picking up something from the ground. "That was like three dollars, so be careful with that, please." Ben says to him.

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