Chapter 47: Not So Fun Summer

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I kept tossing and turning, trying to get rid of this nasty nightmare that I was having.

I had a nightmare where I was fighting my opponent and then I lost. It was making me angry and it made me have a hard time getting any sleep. I kept waking up and then I tried to get some sleep but it wasn't working.

Sleep can't even help me forget what happened at the tournament.

How wonderful is that?

But now it's summer vacation and I was sitting in the kitchen with Sam as we were eating breakfast.

Daniel made us pancakes and eggs before he had an errand to run. Where did he go? I don't know and I quite frankly don't care.

I was more so picking at my breakfast than eating it.

Half of a pancake was eaten and I ate some of the eggs but I wasn't in the mood to finish it. I kept moving the pancake into the maple syrup.

Sam is having a hard time too with the tournament. She thinks she failed everyone as well and she's also worried about Miguel who ran away.

Too much is happening and I don't even know what to think of it all.

When I woke up this morning, I had a few messages from Eli who was checking up on me.

He kept telling me that I'm not to blame for what happened and that he's proud of me. Then he ended the message, telling me that he loves me.

I told him I love him too and that was it.

Summer vacation is off to a good start. Please note my sarcasm.

While Sam and I stayed in the kitchen, Amanda entered and she looked so happy, happy that it was summer vacation.

Then you look at Sam and I who look miserable.

Amanda was humming to herself as she started to make herself a coffee and it only made me roll my eyes. She's just so happy and I wanted to use my head to hit the table. Do you see how this loss is affecting me?

When Amanda had her coffee made, she sat at the table with Sam and I.

"Hey girls, how are you doing today?" Amanda asked us.

I stayed quiet as I continued to pick at my food and Sam stayed on her phone, probably re-reading old messages with Miguel.

I can't believe my aunt had the nerve to ask me that specific question.

She should know how I feel.

It's pretty self-explanatory.

Amanda got the hint and she then asked us, "Do you guys have any plans for the summer?"

"Yeah." I nodded, "Getting run over by a bus."

I'm not in the mood for this shit.

I'm about to pull a Regina George.

"Be serious, Amy." Amanda said.

I looked at her. "I am serious."

Obviously, I'm being sarcastic but because of the mood that I'm in, it would sound like I'm being serious and I'm fine with that.

"We don't have any plans right now." Sam told her mom as she stayed, looking at her phone.

"Look, girls, I know what happened at the tournament is hard for you but you don't need to act like this."

I eyed Amanda. "No, you don't know how hard this is. And you wouldn't know because you've never been in a karate match before. So until you do, don't try to understand what I'm going through."

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