181 - Prologue

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Volume 3 - Beginning's End

(??? POV)

I ate dinner by myself again. It can't be helped. He works hard every day for me, and I know it isn't easy. He hides it behind that smile. That fake, fake smile.

I wish I could make it real. But all he can ever muster is one halfway. The stress of all of his jobs won't allow for any more. I do my best to support him, but even then it's not enough.

He does it so that I will have the chances that he didn't. He's only a couple of years older than me, but he's sure that it's over for him. That he can no longer be selfish.

He has devoted his life to me. And I couldn't be more thankful. I couldn't love him any more than ever for it.

I look at the plate at the other end of the table. It's become cold by now. I'll put a note next to it so that he remembers to heat it up. I don't want him to forget. He deserves a warm meal.

I'd stay up and wait myself, but he forces me to go to sleep. He values my well being way more than his own. He barely has any time to do the things he enjoys. I think he watches one anime, and that's it. He doesn't have time for anything else.

I wish I could do something for him.

. . .

I stood in the highest office, gazing out through the window past the desk at the graceful sky. I stood in silence, until the door behind me opened as the clerk entered, before dropping their papers in shock.

"Miss...what...?" The clerk gasped.

Blood spread across the floor from the body laying in front of me. A singular slash through the neck was all that was needed to seal their fate.

I stared at my katana, and the dark red liquid which covered it. Did I regret this?

Ha, what a funny question.

No, no I did not.

Because I'll do anything.

"I killed them, obviously." I simply replied. "Do not forget the first rule of the Assassin's League. Those who are the strongest lead."

I turned towards the clerk, looking at the two other bodies that were pinned against the walls. Their blood had stained the walls and floor, and it wouldn't be too long until the blood of the final body would as well.

"I have defeated the Master Assassin." I spoke. "You will make sure that everyone understands this. If they disagree, then they shall be my guest."

"Y-yes, Master." The clerk bowed down.

"Do you remember that bounty that was put up by the Council? On Ken Kage?" I asked.

"Yes...the one which was taken down?" The clerk asked for confirmation.

"Correct." I nodded. "I am adding a new bounty. Whoever captures Ken Kage shall become the next Master, as I shall rescind my title to them."

"W-what?" The clerk gasped in surprise.

No Master had ever done this before in the history of the Assassin's League. But I frankly don't care.

"Master" is not my end goal.

"You heard me. Now go do both of those." I ordered. "Now."

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