203 - Album: Fairy Idol

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"Quick!" Amber urged. "Yui will be arriving soon! Are the snacks ready?"

"I got them delivered in the room!" Erica saluted. "Lily is currently sorting them on the table!"

"Good!" Amber grinned. "Go help Bianca with finishing the popcorn. Aoi!"

Aoi turned towards Amber, multiple blankets in her hands.

"That the last of the blankets and pillows?" Amber asked.

Aoi nodded in response.

"Great!" Amber snapped her fingers. "Thank you, Aoi. Please finish setting them up."

With another nod Aoi continued walking, into the hallway and then into one of the rooms.

"Hey, Amber?" Iris called, walking into the room. "Think Yui will mind if Mom joins us?"

"The more the merrier, I'd say." Amber shrugged. "Besides, this is your manor. It'd be rude to exclude."

"Ara?" Isabella walked through the door with a smile. "Thank you. It has been quite the while since I've joined an 'event' such as this."

"Go ahead and get situated. Irene should already be in there." Amber jerked her head towards the door Aoi entered. Iris and Isabella nodded, walking past and entering the room.

"Ken, you ready for Yui's arrival?" Amber asked, turning towards me.

"I got it." I smiled, giving a thumbs up. "You're taking this quite seriously."

"Of course." Amber huffed. "I hope they've figured out how to get their 'movie theater' room working..."

"Popcorn is done!" Erica grinned, her and Bianca walking past and heading to the room.

"I'm sure they have." I replied, patting Amber on the shoulder with a chuckle. "Go join them and relax. And if they haven't figured it out, let me know and I can stall Yui."

"Fine..." Amber sighed.

She turned around and walked away, her fox tails shifting enticingly side to side. The urge to sink into the softness of them was strong, but I have a mission to uphold.

When Amber didn't return after three minutes, I figured that the "movie theater" was indeed set up. And by that we mean a large television, comfy chairs, and some good speakers. And of course, with the addition of pillows, blankets, and snacks.

So, what exactly are we doing? Kind of sounds like a movie marathon. Or maybe we're binging a show. Well, neither of those are quite right.

We are indeed having a watch party, but not for any movie or show. No, we're gonna be watching Yui's new album together.

Me, Amber, Irene, Iris, Isabella, Lily, Erica, Bianca, Aoi, Merlin, and of course, Yui.

Or at least we hope, it's still kind of a surprise.

Amber was, interestingly enough, the one who suggested it. Then Iris chimed in on how they had a "movie theater" room that hadn't been used in a while. Then it just evolved from there.

And now, today, on the day her first album has ever released, we're ready.

I waited by the entrance, chilling as employees walked by and guards stood guard. Eventually the door finally opened, revealing that familiar twin-tailed, pink haired idol.

Except for the fact that she was wearing sunglasses, a large coat, and a hat. Basically, you couldn't actually tell that she was a twin-tailed, pink haired idol.

"Ken~!" She flung herself towards me, wrapping her arms around me and snuggling her head into my stomach. "Oh, how I missed you!"

Yui hadn't been attending school for the past week in order to fully prepare for her first album's release. She's been working super hard the past few days, to where barely any of us have seen her.

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