199 - The Dojo's Daughter

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(Amber POV)

Walking back to the Taiyou Dojo after the latest meeting with the girls, I found myself standing outside of the newly repaired Dojo with a smile on my face. Because of the damage that annoying bastard did, it had to be closed for a a week in order to properly repair all of the damage.

But hey, things worked out!

Yui and I went and informed Irene about what had happened, and the next day the Hirai family was wiped off of Tokyo's map.

The Cult of Loki took care of them well. We got quite a few new recruits from the Hirai, and as for those who refused to see the greatness...

Let's just say they aren't here anymore.

They're wastes of space anyways, just like the Takao. Good riddance.

"Taiyou!" A voice cried out my last name as rapid footsteps ran towards me.

"Ryuhi?" I turned towards him with a raised eyebrow. Kai put his hands on his knees, regathering his breath, before looking up with a happy smile.

"Please don't tell me you have a lesson with my Dad today, because he's not here at the moment." I frowned.

"No, I don't." He shook his head. "I just came here to train!" He pumped his fist, stars sparkling in his eyes. "I'm feeling super motivated!"

"Well, that's good to hear." I smiled. "I gotta say, you've been pumped up recently. Going through Dad's grueling training, and now even coming in on days you have off."

"Well, I'm actually seeing results." Kai shrugged sheepishly. "And...there's someone I'm trying to impress."

"Really?" I hummed. "And here I thought you'd always be simping over Yui."

"I shall always support my favorite idol!" Kai declared. "But...I want to be strong enough to protect her. Even though she can fight too."

I looked at him, a smile gracing my face. "Then let me help you out today."

"Really?!" He looked towards me with excited eyes.

"Yeah, really. Come on." I nodded, walking into the Dojo. Kai quickly followed as we entered the Dojo to-

Hold up, there's quite the people the amount of people here since I left for that meeting. Dad isn't even here, why is today such a busy day..?

"It's Ms. Taiyou!" Someone excitedly said, catching me off guard.

I was suddenly surrounded by exciting people, and that's when I suddenly realized exactly who these people were. They're members of the Cult!

"Can I...help you all?" I slowly asked.

I wasn't used to interacting with members of the Cult as much as some of the others. Irene and Iris naturally had incredible charisma, Erica is a whole local celebrity, and Yui is a super popular idol.

Bianca is a famous rising Adventurer-In-Training and Aoi is growing in status as the Principal's daughter. These two aren't really good at interacting with the members of the cult but they were heavily admired.

I'm more like Lily, where we mostly interact with the fellow Sisters and not with the majority of the Cult members. And while we are respected, I wouldn't call us as admired as Bianca and Aoi.

And Merlin is, well, Merlin. She gets along with everyone.

So, honestly, not exactly sure why there's so many of the Cult here and why they're so excited to see me.

"We want to become stronger, Ms. Taiyou!" One of them exclaimed, the others nodding in agreement.

"Can we train under you?" Another asked.

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