189 - Desires And Dragons

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As I saw Iris approach me after her trip back from the restroom, I couldn't help but feel like I avoided a crisis. I was afraid how Iris would react after I realized those two girls were hitting on me, but she's seemed to calm down after returning from the restroom.

I guess she just didn't want me to see her bad side before she calmed down. I've seen worse things, but it's that thoughtfulness that helps make Iris so beloved.

I mean, she's a favorite at Legacy High. Easily one of the most popular and adored girls at the school. I swear, some of those students just straight up idolize her.

I'm honestly not quite sure how to feel about them. On one hand I know I shouldn't care, but on the other...

Let's just leave the darkest recesses of my mind out of this for the moment.

"Ken~!" Iris grabbed onto my arm and held it close to her chest. "I'm back! Let's continue!"

"Alright." I replied. "You ok?"

"I'm feeling amazing." She laughed.

Wow, she's quite peppy. Nothing wrong with that of course. She's been excited for this for a while, so I want to deliver a good date.

We headed towards the area where the autograph booths were, and it was probably becoming the busiest area in the whole convention. And then I noticed the stall with the words 'Fairy Idol Yui' above it.

Despite no one actually being at the stall, it easily had one of the longest lines.

"That'll be rough." I muttered, a tinge of jealousy coursing past my heart.

I quickly shook it away. I'm just being ridiculous. Besides, I need to focus on Iris right now.

"Did she always call herself Fairy Idol Yui?" Iris asked.

"I...don't know." I shrugged. "Probably. She is a fairy after all."

"True." Iris replied. "Did you want to wait for her?"

"No." I shook my head. "I'm sure she knows how to handle a crowd since she's an idol. Is there anybody here you'd like to get an autograph from?"

Iris pulled back out the map. "I don't think so. I'm not interested in any of these people. I have the only person I need right here."

She turned to me with a smile and I could feel my face heat up in response. I turned away, fighting to keep the blush off my face.

That was not a fair move.

"I get it." I replied. "What would you like to do next?"

Iris went to say something before she was suddenly interrupted as someone bumped into her. She was pushed onto me, her face pressing up against my upper chest as the person continued to walk by without a care in the world.

"The nerve." I hissed.

"It's ok, Ken." Iris spoke.

I looked back at her, seeing her flushed cheeks as she stared up at me. Staring into those beautiful blue eyes of her, with her rosy cheeks, and pointed ears, it was hard to believe someone this cute existed. And this wasn't even accounting her usual incredible golden hair that she currently had hidden by her cosplay.

Iris grunted as another person bumped into her. I felt someone hit me as well, and that's when I realized that the autograph area had gotten so crowded that you couldn't move without hitting someone.

It was like a mosh pit, shoulder to shoulder, everybody fighting to get a spot in the line for the celebrity or icon they wanted an autograph from. Iris and I were getting knocked around from the sheer force of the crowd.

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