204 - An Idol's Interview

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(Yui POV)

I almost forgot how difficult being an idol can be.

And I'm not talking about singing practice and maintaining my voice. Not talking about working on footwork and polishing my dance moves. And I'm not talking about songwriting or finding inspiration.

I'm talking about the simple freedom of walking around. Because here I am, dressed in a hoodie, shades, mask, and a hat. Covering myself up despite the heat so I wouldn't be recognized.

It reminds me of the first time I met Ken~!

I was dressed similarly to this, though I hadn't gotten sunglasses or a mask to cover my face at that time, overly relying on the hoodie instead. I'm lucky that at that time I found Ken.

That was one of the greatest days of my life.

I remember how he valiantly protected me from those thugs! And then right after he ran away. How cute.

It was the first time I had someone run away after seeing me.

I love my fans, I truly do, but it can be exhausting. Other than my undying love for Ken, that was another reason I joined the school.

To take a break. And what a break it was! I think I got a little too used to it honestly. The students are used to me now and treat me pretty normal. They're actually quite respectful of my space and time.

It can be suffocating walking around in all this garb, and I mean that in both a physical and a mental sense.

But I really am glad to be back to idol work again. It's my passion. Creating that new album, and then watching it with everyone just confirmed it for me.

I love being an idol.

I love making music. I love inspiring people. I love having my friends to listen to my songs.

And I love having Ken listen to them too~

I couldn't help but repeatedly glance at him when the song inspired by him came on. I wonder if he noticed. He probably did.

I hummed to myself, happily skipping across the sidewalk as I headed to my destination. I could've had my Dad drive me, but I wanted him to keep looking after Mom.

She's still weak from being used as the key to Azeroth's entrance into this world. Whatever Azeroth's method was, it drained a lot out of Mom.

But she's doing better!

And I couldn't be happier.

I finally arrived to the building, where I was given a warm welcome. I was quickly brought to my preparation room, where I started to get into my outfit. Then a professional came to do my makeup to finish the "Fairy Idol Yui" look.

I looked at myself in the mirror, smiling at my get up. This intricate, gorgeous pink dress looked damn good on me. Especially with this new make up that really accentuated my eyes.

I wonder what Ken will think of this look?

When I get back, I'd love to tease him about it. Get his honest thoughts. Maybe even have a little "fun"-

I shook my head of the approaching dirty thoughts. While I would gladly welcome fantasies of Ken, I really need to focus right now.


I'm about to have an interview! There's more to being an idol than just making music and performing concerts. There's also public appearances, for instance.

Such as the one I did at the Summer Coscon! That was my first real public appearance since my hiatus!

Still pissed that Ken ran off with Iris and abandoned me, though...

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