198 - Amber's Breakthrough

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(Amber POV)

I jumped backwards as the shadow monster slammed its fists into the ground and sent cracks across the pavement.

Considering how every time I've tried to attack it my hits have gone through, there's no point in trying to combat it.

Instead, I go for the source. I can't wait to beat that disgusting man's face in.

I dashed past the monster, rushing towards Hirai. A long, dark object formed in his hand as I got closer, before suddenly he swung it at me.

I dodged as much as I could, a crack resonating through the air as the weapon smacked my arm and left a bright red line. He was now holding an inky black whip that was at least twice the length of his height.

He growled, whipping the weapon at me again. I jumped out of his reach, leaving me much too far to do any of my normal attacks.

I rolled out of the way as the monster slammed its foot where I just was. Now that I was out of the way of the whip, he was focusing on using the monster to attack.

Annoying. Only reason he's still alive is because he's good at keeping distance, and my whole combat style is based on being up close.

Wait, I have an idea. I haven't done this before, but let's try...

I dodged the monster once more, making sure to stay far enough away that the whip couldn't reach me. Using one of Hephaestus' tiers, Blacksmith, I quickly formed some basic throwing knives in my hands.

I ran under the monster's legs, avoiding its next attack while quickly changing my position. I threw the throwing knives at Hirai, determined to use them as a distraction.

He jumped away, avoiding the knives. But with his attention on them, it gave me the chance I needed to get closer. I dashed towards Hirai, making it past the outer range of his whip.

He tossed his whip up, gripping it halfway and using that as an anchor point to effectively use half the length of the whip and drastically decrease his outer range

I dove to the side as his shadowy whip smacked against the ground with a loud crack. I quickly rolled to the side, avoiding the next whip attack. I got back onto my feet with a quick maneuver, only to suddenly feel myself get grasped from behind.

Shit, the monster-!

I was chucked into the dojo, slamming through an unbroken part of the wall and crashing to the ground inside. The monster crawled through the opening of the wall as I stood back up.

I groaned, lightly shaking my body from the dull pain that was now plaguing me. My back is going to hurt a while from that now...

"Amber?!" Yui gasped from outside. "Are you alright?!"

"I'm fine!" I yelled back.

Yui poked her head through the damaged wall and behind the monster. I felt a smile form on my face upon seeing her, before suddenly the inky black whip wrapped around her.

She was pulled backwards, Hirai grinning at me. "Stop fighting, Amber." He smugly spoke. "You wouldn't want this famous idol to get hurt, would you?"

Yui struggled in the whip, no doubt trying to grab of the knives she always somehow managed to hide on herself.

I wasn't worried. Yui could probably get out of that herself. And even if she did get injured she could easily heal herself.

I'm not worried.

I'm fucking pissed.

You have the audacity to try to steal me away from Ken in the lamest ways possible, and when you don't get your way you then try to use my friend as a hostage?

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