196 - Reflection In The Dojo

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(Amber POV)

I sat on the bench in the dojo, putting on boxing wraps onto my hands. I had my hair tied up into a ponytail while I wore a sports bra and yoga pants, an outfit quite comfortable for working out while still looking nice.

After Ken walked in and asked me on a date while I was in that lousy state, I want to make sure that doesn't happen again. It's embarrassing...

I got off of the bench, standing in front of the punching hanging before me. I took a deep breath, getting into my boxing stance, keeping my fists covering my cheeks and my back hunched.

I sent forwards a few jabs, hitting the punching bad with a decent force that sent it lightly shaking back and forth.

My main goal wasn't to go all out, it was to practice form and combos. I've been doing it for years, but you can always refine it further. Continuous work is how you get things done.

Besides, if I did go all out, this sandbag would've been flung across the dojo and into the wall. Unless it collided with someone first and knocked them out cold.

It stands no chance against me, especially when I bring my gauntlets, Hephaestus, out.

That's why I do prefer sparring with others, especially Ken. He's the best sparring partner I've ever encountered, being able to put up a good fight and keep me working.

Most of the time I beat him in pure hand to hand combat, but he's gotten the better of me a few times. No one else does that. No one else pushes me to become greater than I already am more than him.

It's part of why I love him.

Why I'm obsessed with him.

I haven't been able to think about anything except for the date the past few days. Ever since that wondrous day happened I've felt like I've been on cloud nine.

One of the best days of my life. We watched an epic movie, got sweets, kissed, I got my ears scratched, and then we had one of our best spars yet.

With a very excited Xena, by the way. She looked at me with sparkles in her eyes, in awe about how I moved and fought in close quarters.

"Wow!" Xena gasped as I wiped my face with a towel. I placed it down, chugging down some water as I glanced at the younger girl.

Ken groaned, pulling himself up from where I had grappled him to the ground and forced him to tap out. He walked over, stretching his body and cracking his back before getting some water.

"That was amazing, Auntie Amber!" Xena exclaimed, her eyes practically shining as she stared up at me. "You beat Papa!"

"This time." Ken grinned, his face glistening with sweat. "I'll get you on the next one."

"Good luck with that." I chuckled, before looking back at Xena.

She probably sees Ken as invincible, doesn't she?

Not that I blame her, of course. If anyone's invincible, it's him. He's truly incredible in so many different ways.

"I'm the master at close quarters combat." I smirked, crouching down and ruffling Xena's hair. "Better watch out!"

Xena giggled. "I wanna be that good! I want to be just like you, Auntie Amber."

I stared at her in surprise, my heart getting shot from the cuteness she emitted. But even more so...

She wanted to be like me?


I looked at her, a genuine smile growing on my face. She had gone through so much, having to survive awakening an Arcana at such a young age. Just like me.

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