197 - Of The Holy And The Unholy

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(Amber POV)

It was a few days after that creepy bastard from the Hirai family stormed out, and luckily I hadn't seen him since. But it seems like today I have to deal with a different annoyance.

"Why are you here?" I grunted as I continued my push up, currently trying to do my workout at Taiyou Dojo. I turned my head and glared at the girl who sat upon my back, only to get a smirk in return.

At least she's not a creep. Actually, I should clarify, at least she's not a creep towards me. Cause she's totally a creep.

"To see you, silly~!" Yui smugly replied.

"More like to annoy me." I grumbled, continuing with my push ups. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"No, I'm bored." Yui sighed. "Iris is busy, Bianca and Aoi are on a date or something, and I don't know where Erica, Lily and Merlin are."

"...And Irene?" I raised an eyebrow, sweat rolling down my face as I did another push up.

"Honestly, she's kinda intimidating." Yui sweatdropped. "I have no idea how to interact with her one-on-one."

"Fair enough." I took a deep breath, before lowering myself down once more and doing another push up.

"Besides, what's wrong with visiting my bestie~?" Yui giggled, kicking her feet as she sat atop me.

"And since when..." I paused, catching my breath. "...were we besties?"

"Since you swung me around like a weapon during that pillow fight." Yui dramatically spoke, raising a hand into the air. "And successfully stole my heart-"

"If you say another stupid thing I will strangle you." I interrupted her.

"As lovely as that sounds, I have to save my first choking time for Ken~" Yui smirked.

"You can never win against a damn masochist." I sighed. "You're lucky we are in the middle of the dojo right now. We're already getting enough weird looks already otherwise I'd have already done it."

Practically everyone in the dojo is staring at us, because a famous idol is currently sitting atop my back as I work out. Can't wait for a swarm of people to start asking me stupid questions when she leaves.

That was sarcasm.

"Sure you would've, you big softie." Yui teased, poking my back.

"You are seriously testing me right now." I grumbled once more.

I did a couple more push ups, before finishing my set with a clapping one. Yui shrieked in surprise as she was suddenly off balance, toppling to the ground next to me. And I still completed the clapping push up, haha!

She sat up, glaring at me.

"You deserved it." I smirked, standing up with shaky arms. Yeesh, that's what happens when you do 300 push ups with an idol on your back.

I grabbed my water, clumsily unscrewing it before practically pouring it down my throat. I then grabbed my towel from the nearby bench, wiping my sweat and sitting down. Yui sat down next to me, grabbing my water bottle and stealing a swig of it.

"I should try to get the old man to ban you." I sighed.

"You know he wouldn't~" Yui grinned. "Besides, isn't this good press for you? Maybe I can even let you guys take a picture of me here for you to frame and label 'Yui Yosei's Favorite Dojo'!"

"Narcissistic, much?" I chuckled. "And unfortunately you're right, you little brat."

"Hey, who're you calling a brat?!" Yui jokingly pouted, lightly hitting my shoulder. "Where is your dad anyways?"

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