190 - My Favorite Elven Second Princess

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"Everyone, go now!" Iris ordered. "I shall keep you covered!"

The people immediately started exiting from the opposite direction of the lesser dragon as I stared it down. It puffed cloudy smoke from within its nostrils as it stared me down as well.

Are you ready to die, you pathetic excuse for a legendary beast?

"Here we go!" Loki cheered. "I have the popcorn!"

"I can't believe you..." Medea sighed. "...but I can't say that this won't be fun."

The dragon opened its maw once more, fire building from within its throat. I dashed towards it, running to the side as fire erupted from its mouth and raged towards me like an oversized flamethrower.

Any of the fire that was heading Iris' direction was blocked once again by another large lightning shield, but as I ran to the side the lesser dragon's head and their fire traveled after me.

Everybody in the room was behind Iris other than me, so this works out perfectly. As the fire died down I launched myself forwards, summoning Loki as a sword and slicing off one of the lesser dragon's thick legs.

The lesser dragon roared in pain as it stumbled, glaring at me with eyes that promised death. As it opened its mouth for another breath of fire, it was suddenly distracted as a flying object slammed into its head.

Iris' shield traveled through the air after bouncing off of the lesser dragon's head. She caught it midair and outstretched her arm. A strong lightning bolt shot out of her hand and into the chest of the dragon, causing it to growl as it created a mark against the scales.

The lesser dragon has strong armor, so it's no surprise that the lightning hadn't affected it much. My arcana was only able to slice through it easily due to its high level. Iris could definitely slice it if her arcana wasn't a defense based shield.

Still though, distracting the dragon by throwing the shield and then catching it? Reminds me of a certain captain I read about as Kyle.

But even more important was how badass she looked doing it.

The dragon roared in anger, opening its mouth once again. I jumped onto its back, running towards the head in order to cut it off in one clean slice through the neck.

The dragon started to shake, attempting to make me fly off. I tightly hung onto the scales, but I couldn't get a good enough grip and flew off, landing next to Iris.

"So close." I muttered. "Guess I'll just have to do this the long way."

Could be worse. Guess I'll be teaching this monster an extensive lesson on being careful who it messes with before it dies.

"Ken!" Iris looked at me. "I have a plan to end this quickly. I need to shoot my lightning through its mouth. It's armor is only exterior."

"Right." I nodded with a smirk. "What do I need to do?"

"It can't see me shoot at it, or else it'll close its mouth." Iris stated. "Is there a way you can blind it?"

"It won't let me get close to the eyes." I stated as Iris blocked another line of fire that raged at us. "So I can't blind it."

How else do I keep it from seeing Iris?

Hold on, I have an idea. I just need to keep its attention solely on me while getting it into a position Iris can strike.

"I got this." I laughed, dashing forwards.

The lesser dragon turned after me as I ran around it. As my lightning started to spark across my legs I got even quicker and outran the turning of the dragon's head.

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