194 - A Fluffy Date

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"Wanna go on a date?" I asked.

Amber peeked out from behind Goku, her face going red as she let out a cute shriek.

"Yes! J-just a moment!" She quickly dashed into the back of the dojo and leaving me alone with Goku and an exhausted Kai.

"My boy!" Goku laughed, walking over and wrapping an arm around me. He pulled in, ruffling up my hair. "Finally falling for my daughter?"

"Not finally." I replied. "Been a while."

Goku chuckled, before patting me on the back with one of his powerful slaps. "So, what're you thinking?"

"I got a plan. But, do you have any suggestions?" I asked.

"Well, she's always liked fighting." Goku stated.

"Covered." I nodded. "And I wonder why?"

"Oi, I'm trying to help you." Goku crossed his arms.

"Alright, alright." I chuckled. "Anything else?"

Goku looked around, before leaning in. "She has a sweet tooth she tries to hide. Don't tell her it was me that told you!"

"Noted." I nodded.

Okay, that's good. Little bit of modification to the plan and we should be good.

With that thought, Amber suddenly appeared again from the back of the dojo, dressed in a new outfit.

Her fluffy orange hair was back to being let down, allowing it to cascade down her past her shoulders. She wore a simple white dress, something I didn't see often from her. Her six tails sprouted from behind her in all their glory, and her ears were ready and attentive at the top of her head.

I've always wanted to snuggle those tails.

"D-don't stare so much." Amber muttered, crossing her arms and turning away.


"Well?" I put my hand out. "You ready?"

She stared at my hand for a moment, before approaching and grabbing it. I waved goodbye to Goku and Kai as we walked out of Taiyou Dojo hand in hand.

"S-so, what's the plan?" Amber nervously asked.

I reached into my pocket, taking out two tickets. "How do you feel about action movies?" I grinned.

"I like them, but I don't watch them too often." Amber stated. "Usually I'm training or helping at the Dojo."

"Then let's go." I nodded. "Today is your day to take a break."

Amber lightly smiled at me, holding a little tighter onto my hand as we walked towards our destination. After a little too short of a walk, we arrived at the movie theater.

After grabbing some snacks we found our seats that I grabbed and sat down, watching through the previews. And then finally, the movie started.

As we sat there, I slowly brought my hand over and rested it over Amber's. She glanced at me for a moment, a blush on her face, before going back to watching the movie with a smile.

Looks like she's enjoying it. Perfect.

I found myself getting into the movie as well, rooting for the protagonist to overcome his trauma and defeat the main villain. And after an exciting conclusion, the movie ended.

"That was awesome!" Amber grinned as we exited the movie theater. "Especially that final fight!"

"Yeah, it was pretty cool." I nodded. "Pretty sick action sequence."

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