185 - Magical Elf Iris

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Iris stared at me, frozen in place, face pale.

"Ken?!" She screamed, feebly trying to cover the magical girl outfit from sight with her hands.

What the hell?

"Is that Magical Girl Cho's outfit?" I slowly asked.

"You even know the character!" Iris wailed, crouching down as her face burned a brilliant red, covering her face in her hands.

I stepped inside the room, closing the door behind me.

"Yeah, she's from Fairy Knights 2." I stated. "So...why are you dressed up as a magical girl?"

"I...I..." Iris shuffled uncomfortably. "I have a secret. I'm a cosplayer."

"That's..." I looked at her strangely. "...not that weird, you know."

"I know." Iris blushed. "But it's so embarrassing! How am I supposed to tell people that cosplauing is my hobby?! That I like cosplaying as magical girls?! Let alone go in public!"

"You were planning to go in public in that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"To a convention! Not for casual wear..." Iris muttered, the blush never dying from her face.

Okay...this still doesn't explain her behavior though, as interesting of a fact this is.

I wonder if this has anything to do with those pictures Irene got me for Christmas...

No! Get back on track!

"Is this part of why you've been avoiding me?" I asked.

"W-what?" She gasped. "I'm not avoiding you."

"You rush out every morning. You don't eat lunch with all of us anymore." I stated. "Is something wrong? You know I'll help."

"I-it's not something you can really help with..." Iris rubbed her arm awkwardly, looking at the floor. "But thank you, Ken."

She radiantly smiled at me, before it faltered.

"Iris?" I questioned.

"I..." She sighed, before letting out a guttural growl I have never seen before. "I'm just so goddamn jealous! I was the first to ever meet you! Why did things turn out like this?!"

I stood in mute shock as I watched the "always-kind" and "pure" second princess Iris Aegis start on a loud and angry rant, stomping the floor while dressed in a magical girl outfit.

With such a sight, I couldn't help but be speechless.

"We've gone on dates! Irene agreed to share before anyone else! Why did I have to run into you and Erica in the shower?! I couldn't focus the whole night! And don't even get me started about Lily, sneaking in through the window!" She rapidly spoke.

"And then these fucking Demon Kings keep getting in the way! First it was Lupercio, and then Azeroth, not to mention now even more girls are after your heart! But I was the first! The first!" She yelled, more at herself than me.

"And now...it just keeps hurting to see you act so lovey-dovey with the others..." She sighed.

She huffed, before remembering that I was there. She went red again, bowing down quickly. "K-Ken! I'm sorry about that!"

"I...don't think I've ever seen you angry like that." I pointed out.

Sure, I've seen her yandere anger, but I've never seen her so...jealous before.

I feel oddly happy about that, but it also makes me realize something. I don't know some of the girls as much as I thought I did.

I knew them from the anime, back before I ever came here, and then I learned more about them as I physically lived with them.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 3]Where stories live. Discover now