"A Certain Bomb"

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I searched everywhere for Atsushi, but I had no idea where to look. After all, there's a whole wide world out there, and only one of me. Plus, I was starving. A few nice people had given me food and water along the way, but it was time for me to earn a living for myself. I somehow ended up in Yokohama, and that's where I decided to stay. I now have a job at a local bakery called Uchikipan and my own apartment a few blocks away. It's nothing special, but I'm happy with it. I'm off of work today, so I decide to take a trip downtown and maybe do a little shopping. I'm walking from store to store when I see it, a flash of white hair, in the corner of my eye. It can't be him, can it?

"Athushi?!?" I call out.

His yellow eyes turn to meet mine as he exclaims, "No way! Kagami?!?" 

It IS him! I finally hound Atsushi! After all this time, I find him when I'm not even looking. And he was right under my nose the whole time! I run and jump into his arms giving him the biggest hug possible. 

"Oh my gosh! I have been looking everywhere for you!" I say as we break apart.

"You have?" Atsushi asks in astonishment.

"Yeah I-" I start to explain, but then I realize he's not alone. There are two other guys with him, one blonde with glasses and the other brunette with a whole bunch of bandages. "Um, who are your friends?" I ask with a hint of embarrassment that I hadn't acknowledged them earlier.

"Oh sorry," Atsushi starts to introduce them, "this is Kunikida and Dazai. And they're not really my 'friends,' they're more of-"

"yeah yeah, hi, nice to meet you, but we don't have any time to waste," the one called Kunikida cuts Atsushi off rudely, "big emergency at the agency, possible bomb go boom boom, remember?! C'mon, let's go!" After he's done freaking out, they drag Atsushi away. 

No way am I letting them take Atsushi away from me again, so, despite the fact that they clearly just mentioned a bomb threat, I follow behind. Together we all rush upstairs to an office building which I assume is "The Agency." But the building seems to be empty... 'Where is everyone?' I think, 'It's too quiet.' Then I hear a girl screaming, and we all push through a door to find her being held hostage. Some guy with red hair sits atop a desk at the front of the office holding the girl in one hand and a bomb detonator in the other. We crouch quickly behind a desk close to the door. Kunikida rushes in valiantly but to no avail. Next, Atsushi decides to give it a try. Well, I guess you could call it trying... It was more like cowering, but I mean I don't blame him for being scared.

But something wasn't right here. With my beast-taming ability, I have also become very good at reading people and their emotional states. I can usually tell when someone has something eating away at them- some kind of "beast" inside of them. But as I look at the red-headed "terrorist" sitting on the desktop, I feel no malice coming from him. He isn't in any distress at all really. 

"This isn't real," I whisper to Dazai.

He looks at me, stunned for some reason. But before he can say anything, Atsushi starts yelling. We look over the desk to find him in a ball on the floor. He has thrown himself on top of the bomb to protect everyone. 'I don't know if that was brave or just plain stupid...' I think. But apparently, that's exactly what the agency was looking for. They all welcome Atsushi onto their team with open arms. Then Dazai looks over at me.

"What about you?" he asks with his eyebrows raised, "You technically figured it out first, didn't you? So how would you like to be a part of the agency too?"

"Um.." I look around at all of them, and I come to realize something. Atsushi is in good hands. Finally, when I realize everyone is waiting for my answer, I say, "No thanks, I'm just fine with the job I have now." Then to Atsushi, I add, "I work at the bakery down the street; we should catch up next time you're free!"

And with that, my search for Atsushi comes to an end. But little do I know, this won't be the last time I run into the agency.

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