The Conflict of Strategy

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-------------------------------------------------Akutagawa's POV-----------------------------------------------

The body of Nathaniel Hawthorne, the pastor of the guild, falls before my eyes. The deafening thud fills my ears. In my line of work, it's not a sound that often stands out to me. But the thing is, I didn't kill him. A single bullet penetrated directly through his heart. But I don't even own a gun. 

Guns are for weaklings.

I stand still, my eyes scanning the area, my body tense and waiting for my next opponent. I don't see anyone. But then I see movement from above. My eyes dart to the roof of the storage building, and my heart stops. Standing there, fur blowing majestically in the wind and eyes staring straight into the depths of my soul, is a dog. HER dog. What was its name again? Creed? She takes him everywhere with her. There's not a moment when the mutt isn't following behind her, always right at her heels. I've seen them in the bakery, at the agency, at the park, in the store...Hell, the mutt even sleeps in her bed with her, all throughout the night. So if he's here, she can't be far away.

Using Rashomon, I ascend quickly to the roof, but he's already bolted in the opposite direction. I run after them as quickly as I can, but as much as I don't like to admit it, I'm still healing. But my heart is pounding in my chest. I shove my way through the debris. Debris turns into people as we move farther into the city. 

I need to find her. I need to see her. I need to talk to her. I need to ask her why she saved me. When I woke up in that life raft all those days ago, there was a pair of sneakers beside me. The same pair I've seen on her feet so many times before. And now she's gone and saved me once again. Why? What about me is worth saving? She was right, I do need answers. I need them to come from her lips.

I follow their trail for multiple blocks just by the slightest sight of Creed's tail moving farther and farther in front of me, never quite able to catch up more than that. Eventually, I just give up. My body can't go any farther. I feel I've left a blood trail over half of Yokohama by now. But as I turn away, I can't deny this annoying pain in my chest. To have had her within reach...almost in my grasp... To have had her so close, yet so far...

What has she done to me?

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