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"YOU'RE LATE," Ward said the moment Kaden walked in the house. He was sitting on the couch in his living room, his legs crossed as he stared at the teenager.

"Yeah," Kaden muttered, "my brother was sick."

"Last week, it was your cat," Ward reminded him blankly. He shrugged, "living things get sick."

Ward narrowed his eyes at him before he let out a long sigh, "I got a lot of work for you today."

"Do tell."

"Twenty files, go over them, correct any mistakes and place them back, you know the drill. They're in your office. Take all the time you need."

Being fluent in six languages came with great opportunities. For one, Ward needed someone to be able to translate or correct the mistakes in his own translations and Kaden was the only person he knew who knew so many languages. The only reason that Kaden was working for him was to be able to keep an eye on him.

Without bothering to reply, the latter made his way to the room next to Ward's office. He had emptied that room and turned it in a small office for him. Kaden sat down in his chair and began going over the stack of files placed on the desk.

About two hours later, he was on the last file when the door to the office flung open. He looked up, brushing a strand of his hair away from his forehead as he did so.

Rafe walked in, smirking at Kaden who rolled his eyes, "what do you want?"

"You know what I want."

Kaden shook his head, his eyes darting to behind Rafe to check if there was someone there. "Not now, not here. I'll see you tonight at the party."

"Okay," Rafe nodded, "I'll see you then." With that, he turned around and walked away. Kaden sighed and continued his work just as Wheezie decided to walk in. Ever since he started working there, the thirteen year old would make sure to go see him all the time. Kaden only worked two times a week and Wheezie made it her life mission to annoy him everytime.

"Hi K."

"Bye," he muttered without bothering to look up, "the door is right behind you."

"What did Rafe want?"

Cocaine. But there was no way he was telling her that. "Nothing."

"Okay," Wheezie drawled out as she began approaching his desk. She stared down at the papers, her eyes skimming over them briefly, "I'm bored."

"Not my problem."

"Wheeze!" Upon hearing Sarah's voice, her eyes went wide. She quickly rushed to hide beside the closed door, placing a finger on her lips, telling Kaden to stay quiet. He rolled his eyes at her, closing the last file as he was done.

He leaned back in his seat, ready to watch the scene unfold. He had seen Sarah before, he never liked her. To him, Sarah was another spoilt rich girl. He knew how much she meant to Ward and he knew that hurting her would mean hurting Ward which was everything he wanted to do.

The door flung open, revealing a disheveled Sarah whose eyes went wide at the sight of Kaden sitting there, not having expected for someone to be there.

Kaden took in her appearance at the same time as she stared at him. He had a black shirt on, his arms uncovered, showing off the tattoos scattered everywhere. He didn't look like he belonged in an office. Sarah had a loose white shirt with a pair of denim shorts on.

Her face flushed when Kaden cleared his throat, raising his brows at her questioningly. He tried not to let his eyes wander. He didn't like her, sure, but he couldn't deny that she wasn't attractive.

"I— uh—" Sarah stumbled on her words, eyes looking at anywhere but him. He was undoubtedly the hottest guy she's ever seen even though it was not the first time she was seeing him. Everytime felt like a first. She couldn't stop staring. "I'm sorry— I didn't know you were here."

Kaden's eyes flickered to Wheezie who was right behind the now opened door. She was smirking knowingly at him. He tried not to make it obvious that he was confused at her expression, knowing it would give the fact that she was hiding right there away.

"I'm looking for Wheezie," Sarah spoke up again when she realized that Kaden wasn't about to say anything. "I thought she came in here. Did you see her?"

He slowly shook his head earning a nod from Sarah who quickly turned around and walked away, closing the door behind. Wheezie let out a small breathless chuckle, "she's scared of you, I swear."

Kaden shot her a half-confused and half-curious look, "why?"

"You look like you're about to kill someone all the time," Wheezie muttered with blatant honesty as she tried to mirror his usual expression which resulted in her staring at him blankly, "you look exactly like this."

"Fuck off," he scoffed, "I do not look like that."

"You look exactly like that!"

"Why's she looking for you?" He asked, changing the subject as he grew curious.

"I may or may not have hidden one of her dresses."

"Why would you do that?"

"She has a date with her boyfriend, you know, Topper," Wheezie replied with a look of distaste upon her features, "I don't really like him."

"Same," the next words left his mouth without him realising who he was saying that to, "Funny how his name is Topper but he gives bottom vibes."

Wheezie's eyes went wide at the same time as Kaden's did. Then she bursted out laughing. "Shit, I forgot you're a child." He stood up, grabbing his jacket that he'd taken off earlier and slid it back on. "Anyways, I'm going now. Bye, glasses."

"Bye," Wheezie smiled once she'd finally managed to stop laughing. "I'll see you around."

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