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"IF YOU NEED help with this situation you've got yourself in," Ward began, "don't hesitate to ask me."

"I don't need help," Kaden brushed him off, "I'm dealing with it just fine."

"I'm just saying," Ward sighed, "I could talk with Topper's mom, tell her it was all a big misunderstandi—"

"— While I really appreciate it," Kaden cut him off, "I really don't need your help. I've dealt with it."

"Okay then," Ward cleared his throat, "that's good." He stared at the stack of papers on the table. The teenager had already started to work. "There's more than usual. I'll double your payment this month."

"All right," he muttered blankly. It intrigued Ward how the money didn't bother him at all. He expected Kaden to get excited at the news.

"You have to finish it all for tomorrow," Ward said again, standing awkwardly at the door, "you could stay for dinner if you want."

Kaden contemplated his answer. He needed to get close to Ward. Him being invited for dinner was a good sign, he couldn't decline. "Sure."

"Great," Ward smiled, "I'll let Rose know." With that, he left Kaden alone in the office. Once Ward was out, Kaden took out his phone and sent a text to Kiara, telling her to take care of Blake since he'd be busy at work. He received a reply almost instantly from her, saying that she got it. Shoving his phone back in his pocket, he started his work.

It was one in the afternoon when the door to his office was pushed open, revealing Rose.

The older woman stood there with a small smile on her face, "hey, Kaden."

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wanting nothing more than for her to leave. Rose had always acted so weird towards him, Kaden wasn't stupid. He knew she was into him. She had tried to get close to him so many times before in not-so-subtle ways.

"Rose," he cleared his throat, his body straightening.

Her smile deepened as she walked in, closing the door behind her, alerting him. "It's been a while, how are you?"

"Fine," he narrowed his eyes when she stopped right in front of the table. "What do you want?"

"You know what I want," Rose whispered before she sat on the table. Kaden raised his brows at her daring self, "you know you aren't getting shit from me."

"Come on," Rose frowned, "why not?" She leaned closer to him on the table, "you know you want me."

Kaden pushed his chair away, standing up. He clenched his jaw, "I really don't. Get out."

"Yes, you do," Rose smiled, "nobody has to know. It'll be between us."

"No, seriously," Kaden tried to stay as far as he could from her, "get out."

With a loud sigh, Rose stood up. Kaden frowned when she began walking towards him. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"You just don't know what you want yet," Rose lifted her hand and touched the side of his face. He took a step away from her, "stop, you're being pathetic."

"I'm not," Rose stood her ground, "I'm helping you see what you want," she tried to touch him again, "what you really want." She trailed her fingers down his neck while he stood there, completely taken aback by her audacity, "and what you can have."

Just then, the door swung open.

"Hey I wanted to talk—" Sarah halted in her steps, her eyes widening, "what the hell?"

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now