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"ITS TOPPER'S MOM. SHE'S here and she looks pissed."

Kaden only rolled his eyes at his brother's tendency to exaggerate. "I thought you set the house on fire."

Blake mirrored his expression, "she could sue you right now for hitting her son again. She's waiting at the door. Go get rid of her!"

"Ignore her," Kaden bent down to pick up from the shirt that had fallen on the ground earlier. "She'll leave on her own." Then he slid it on, much to Sarah's disappointment although she didn't let it show.

"I don't think she will," Wheezie spoke as she showed up, "because she's got her arms crossed and she's standing like she's been glued to the place."

"Okay, whatever—" Kaden waved them off, "I need to put some clothes on so please, fuck off. Right now. We'll deal with his stupid mom when I'm decent."

Blake and Wheezie listened and left, while Sarah stayed behind. "Cynthia can't see me here. Or Wheezie."

"If you wanna run away," Kaden turned his back to her, grabbing a pair of pants, "we have a back door. But I don't plan on letting her in."

"Okay then," she walked towards the door of his room, opening it. "I'll— I'll wait for you outside. Get dressed."

He didn't bother say anything nor did she bother waiting for a reply as she stepped out, closing it behind her. Once Kaden had gotten dressed, he joined Sarah outside of his room and the two went downstairs. The blonde stayed behind with Wheezie who'd join her and the two watched as he approached the door.

Kaden didn't open it entirely. He blocked her view of inside with his large body as he stood in front of the small space he'd opened. Cynthia Thornton was your typical rich woman. Her mere existence made Kaden mad, and he'd only ever heard of her.

"You're Kaden?" Cynthia raised her brows at him, her lips pulled up in distain. "The one who beat my son up again?"

"Your son hit me first." He shrugged, "I merely defended myself."

"Really?" Cynthia raked her eyes over his face, looking for even the slightest wound but she saw none. "But you don't seem to have a scratch on you while Topper's incredibly hurt and is in great pain."

"Good thing you're a doctor then."

She ignored his comment and the lack of care in his tone although it was irritating her. She was used to getting everything she wished, yet she couldn't put Kaden behind bars for hitting her son the first time. He'd gotten away with it. She didn't like that. "You're going to pay for what you did, boy."

"Your son was drunk," Kaden said simply, "I've got several witnesses who'd love to confirm that."

"The words of pogues are just as dirty as they are," Cynthia scowled, "nobody will believe them. Even I don't believe you. My son would never hit someone without a proper reason."

"I don't give a shit whether you believe me or not, Cynthia." Kaden rolled his eyes, his expression showing her that he was getting bored of this conversation. "I'll have you know that I've got a shit ton of kooks as witnesses too and they wouldn't lie about what happened."

"Us Kooks hate you Pogues," Cynthia seethed, taking a step forward only to take two back when Kaden glared at her, not wanting her any closer. "You think they'll dare to support you?"

"I don't need their support," he leaned against the wall, "but it's appreciated, of course."

"They'll lie, even if you're telling the truth." Cynthia rolled her eyes. She wasn't wrong, but she had no idea how much things differed when it came to him. "You're a pogue. My son, Topper is a kook. They respect him, they want to be on his good side. If they have to lie, then they will. But mark my words, you will be thrown behind bars for hitting him again."

"Okay," his lips pursed, "consider your words marked."

"You're not taking me seriously," Cynthia huffed, "you're just an insolent boy. Haven't gotten enough love from your mother as a child, have you?"

"Oh, I've got plenty." He was not about to entertain that woman. "Have you, though? You're so uptight, Cynthia. You really need to loosen up a bit. And teach your son how to respect women while you're at it."

She straightened herself. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, he's going around calling his girlfriend a whore," Kaden said slowly, carefully, watching her expressions closely. He took note when her eyes widened. "I'm sure you can guess how Ward would feel about that. And how he'd react when he's told by his son, Rafe, who was equally pissed at Topper for calling his sister such atrocities—" Kaden was exaggerating, the others who were eavesdropping knew as much. But Cynthia wasn't aware of that, "— that I'm the one who defended her."

"But— but Topper would never!" Cynthia shook her head in denial.

"But he did," he sighed, a mixture of mockery and dramatics, "what a son you've raised, Thornton. I'd say he fucked your reputation up by causing such a scene in public."

"I—" Cynthia gulped, unsure of what to say. She hadn't known about all that. "My son came home all beaten up. I didn't— " she cleared her throat, "he only told me you hit him for no reason!"

"You should teach him about honesty too then," Kaden rolled his eyes, "what were you thinking naming him Topper anyway?"

Cynthia narrowed her eyes at Kaden before she shook her head. "This conversation is over."

"And are you still going to press charges against me?"

"I still don't believe you completely," Cynthia mumbled, "I'll talk to Sarah. We'll see." And she hurriedly walked away before Kaden could say anything. He stared at her disappearing figure for a few seconds then went back fully inside. "Was that easy or what?"

"You've got to tell her what happened," Blake turned to Sarah, "or she'll toss this jackass in jail."

"Jail can't hold me," Kaden said making all of them roll their eyes. He ignored their shared looks and walked towards the kitchen. "Coffee, anyone?"

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