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SARAH STOOD NEAR the staircase, a drink in her hand, her gaze drifting over the crowd, what happened the night prior still fresh on her mind.

On both hers, and Wheezie's (who was standing beside her) mind. The latter fidgeted with the hem of her sequined dress. "I still can't believe it," Wheezie finally said, her voice barely above a whisper yet laden with significance.

Sarah shot a sharp glance at her sister. "Believe what?"

Wheezie's lips curled into a sly smile. "Last night. You and Kade." She paused, relishing the moment with a dramatic gasp. "I've always known there was something going on."

Sarah's cheeks flushed, a mix of embarrassment and happiness. "Keep your voice down," she hissed, glancing around to ensure no one overheard.

"Just so you know," she leaned in closer, whispering, "I totally ship."

Sarah took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "It's not what you think, Wheezie."

"Oh, really?" Wheezie's eyes sparkled with amusement. "How is it not?"

"Kaden doesn't. . ." Sarah trailed off, unsure how to word this. "It's complicated and I hate it. Not what's happening but what's not happening, you know what I mean?"

"I think," Wheezie hummed, adjusting her glasses. "He doesn't want to date?"

"I'm not sure he knows what he wants," the blonde said quietly pursed her lips shut upon noticing Ward approaching them with Rose on his arm and two unfamiliar people along with them.

"Sarah, Wheezie," Ward spoke, smiling at them as they stopped in front of the two. "Meet Michael and Blaire Dawson," he introduced the couple. "They came all the way from New York for this party."

"Nice to meet you," Sarah shook the hands of the two as Blaire offered her a smile. "I wasn't aware you had such pretty daughters, Ward."

Ward laughed. "Wait, I remember reading somewhere that you two had a son? Or was it two?"

"We do," it was Michael who replied and Sarah didn't ignore the way his jaw tensed. "They're abroad. Studies."

"That's nice," Rose jumped in the conversation. "One of them is of Sarah's age, right?"

"Older," Blaire corrected, her eyes fixed on the blonde, staring at her as if she knew something Sarah didn't. It made her uncomfortable but she didn't let it show.

"Bring them with you next time," Ward suggested. "We'd love to meet those boys."

"Of course," Michael nodded, a hand tucked in his pocket and the other draped around his wife's waist. "Someday, for sure."

"Where's that boy from the other day, Ward?" Blaire looked at the older Cameron. "What was his name. . . Kaden, yes?"

"I asked him to come," Ward's reply came as his eyes darted around the place, looking for the particular guy. "I don't see him around. Maybe he won't be coming." He let out a low awkward and embarrassed chuckle. "He has the tendency to not listen."

Michael let out a small snort, "don't we know that."

Ward blinked, "what?"

"He means to say, all teenagers are the same these days," Blaire quickly interjected and the small subtle pinch she gave her husband on his arm didn't go unnoticed by Sarah whose brows furrowed slightly. "They don't listen."

"That's right," Rose chuckled in agreement. "Where's Rafe, though?"

"I don't know. Around," Ward replied as he changed the subject, looking at the Dawsons. "How has your stay in our town been so far?"

Sarah was the first to notice Kaden. Her eyes locked onto his the moment he stepped inside. He had spent the past thirty minutes, standing outside and contemplating whether to go in or go back home. But then the thought of seeing Sarah made him take a deep breath and finally step through the front door.

And he hated it already.

Sarah had never seen Kaden in a suit before, and the sight took her breath away. His black suit was perfectly tailored, accentuating his broad shoulders, with a crisp white shirt and a sleek black tie completing the ensemble. It clearly bothered him since he could not stop tugging at it every now and then. Like he wanted to take it off and throw it away. A small smile reached Sarah's lips at that.

Kaden had stopped in his tracks, momentarily stunned by her appearance. She was wearing a rose gold dress that shimmered under the lights, hugging her curves in all the right places. The dress had a delicate lace overlay, and its plunging neckline and slit up the side gave her an air of elegance. But then again, she has always looked amazing. Her hair fell loosely over her shoulders, and her lips, painted a soft red, made his mind go to all the wrong places.

It didn't take long for Ward to notice him along with all the other people in the room. With a broad smile and an eager wave, Ward spoke which made him shift his attention to him. "Kaden, so glad you could make it," he boomed, his voice drawing the attention of several nearby guests. Kaden didn't like all the curious eyes on him.

Kaden said nothing. His eyes fell on the two people standing beside Ward and the recognition was instant. A knot formed in his stomach, and he suddenly felt hot. They were here. His parents, impeccably dressed in evening wear. He glanced at his dad. The man who he hadn't seen in years.

Ward gestured him over and he made his way over. "Kaden, you already know my daughters, Sarah and Wheezie of course. I'd like you to meet some very important people. These are my new business partners."

He looked at them. His mother's expression was unreadable, but his father's eyes darkened for a moment before he composed himself.

"This is Mr. and Mrs. Dawson," Ward introduced, unaware of the underlying tension. "They've been instrumental in our recent ventures. You've met Blaire the other day. . . This is her husband, Michael."

Kaden's father extended his hand, his smile tight and forced. "A pleasure to meet you," he said, the words dripping with formality.

Kaden grasped his father's hand, the handshake firm but fraught with unspoken emotion. "Likewise," he replied, his voice betraying nothing of the storm brewing inside.

Blaire stepped forward, her eyes lingering on Kaden's face for a heartbeat too long. "We've heard so much about you, Kaden," she said, her voice smooth, yet with an edge that only Kaden could detect.

"I bet," Kaden mumbled, his jaw clenching slightly. He didn't like that they were here. That his father was here. That could mean so many things.

All he could suddenly think about was Blake. Were they here to take him away from him? They had every right to. He wasn't Blake's legal guardian. They could if they wanted to. And that terrified him.

The exchange didn't go unnoticed by Sarah, who watched with a keen eye. She sensed something beneath the surface, a tension that puzzled her.

She noticed the handshakes, how Blaire squeezed Kaden's hand twice before she let go. How Michael's expression faltered the moment he saw him. Then how Kaden, all of a sudden, looked tense.

Ward, oblivious to the undercurrents, continued chatting animatedly. "Kaden's been really useful. Helping me with a lot of paperwork. He hangs out with the wrong crowd but he's really smart, that one. I saw potential in him since I first saw him." Kaden rolled his eyes at Ward's comment.

Michael father nodded, his eyes boring into Kaden's. "I'm sure he is," he said, the double meaning clear to his son.

As the conversation continued, Kaden felt Sarah's hand brush against his. It was a small gesture, but it grounded him, reminding him of why he was there. Despite the complexities and hidden histories, he was here for her.

And that made all the difference somehow. He relaxed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now