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"LOOK WHO'S COMING THIS way," Wheezie whispered to Sarah as the latter twirled her around.

The blonde turned her head slightly at her sister's words, her eyes widening for a fraction before she immediately turned back to face Wheezie who was grinning ear to ear at her.

"Can I have a drink?" Wheezie asked Kaden jokingly as he stopped near them. He glanced at the tray he was holding, shrugging when he saw that all the glasses were empty, "apparently not."

Wheezie snorted, "you suck at your job."

"I'll let you in on a secret, glasses," he bent down a little so he could tell her quietly, "I'm crashing, I actually came here for you."

Wheezie gasped dramatically, "you warm my heart. But we both know that's not true," she nodded her head towards Sarah who could hear what he was saying to her.

The older Cameron liked how close Kaden was to her sister. Wheezie had made the fact that she didn't like Topper clear to Sarah on more occasions that she could count. But she had made it her mission to tell her how absolutely great Kaden was on a daily basis. However, Sarah didn't need Wheezie to tell her that, she already knew.

"Oh, but it is," Kaden straightened himself, growing annoyed at the tray in his hands and at the tie around his neck. He wanted nothing more than to throw the tray on Ward's head before suffocating him with the tie. Pushing those thoughts aside, he looked at Sarah who was unsurprisingly already staring at him. "We need to talk."

"God damn," one of Sarah's friends muttered before she could speak, her eyes raking all over Kaden's figure. "Sarah, you never told us you had such hot friends."

"He's..." Sarah trailed off, her words getting caught up in her throat. Were they friends? She wasn't sure. "We're not friends. He just works for my dad."

Kaden ran his tongue along his inner cheeks, then bit down on them hard but he said nothing. "I'll be inside," was all he said before walking away, expecting for her to follow him which she did.

He led her inside, away from the group of people, somewhere he could talk to her without the risk of anyone eavesdropping. She followed him wordlessly but curiously, wanting to know what he wanted from her. 

"Let's go to your room," was what he decided to start with as they kept walking. He needed privacy. The risk of someone listening in was too high.

"What?" Sarah's eyes widen and the way she was looking at him, he understood how that came out in her mind.

"To talk." He clarified, pointing a finger around them, "it's not private here."

"Oh, right," she nodded, her face reddening as she quickly began taking rather large strides to her room, upstairs all while ignoring her heart which was pounding in her chest. He walked closely behind her, amused at her expense.

Sarah opened the door to her room and let him in before he closed it behind them. She stood in front of her bed, staring at him with mixed emotions.

She was curious, confused and nervous. Topper was right downstairs, she wondered what he was thinking right now as she saw him looking at her while she followed Kaden. She'd mentally praise him for not being stupid enough and follow to seek a fight which he knew he couldn't win— as proven so many times before.

Kaden looked around her room and clicked his tongue. Sarah couldn't tell whether it was in distaste or not and his tone didn't give anything away either when he let out a compliment which came out extremely dry. "Nice room."

She had never seen in Kaden's room, let alone seen it, so she didn't know how it was. Even when she was at his place when he wasn't around, she was tempted to open the closed door and take a peak inside to see how it was. But she never did. She didn't want to invade his privacy.

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now