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"I HAVE NOWHERE TO LIVE, maybe I should've stayed in jail for a little longer." Kaden ignored Sarah who blatantly rolled her eyes at his words as he continued, "what, it's better than staying on the street."

"You can stay at Sarah's," Hazel suggested making Kaden glance at her. She was sitting in the backseat in Sarah's car while he was in the passenger seat with Sarah herself at the wheels.

The thought of living in the same house at Ward didn't sound appealing to him so he immediately shook his head, much to Sarah's disappointment which went unnoticed by him. "I'll crash at John B's."

"You could crash at mine too," Hazel muttered which earned her a glare from the blonde. She only snickered in response. "What, I'm just trying to help."

"I don't even know you."

"You could get to know me once we're housemates." Hazel suggested making Kaden glance at her. "You're fine as hell," she added with a shrug, "that's all I really care about."

"Alright you can stop now," Sarah mumbled from the driver's seat, her grip tightening around the wheel. "He already said he'll stay at John B's."

"I know. But my offer still stands." Hazel was just teasing Sarah at this point and she knew it, yet she couldn't help the jealousy that overtook her senses.

Kaden ignored them altogether as he glanced down at his hands on his lap. He had specifically asked his friends to stay with Blake in case he needed anything. He'd received a text from Kiara who told him that Blake wanted to know where he was a few seconds ago. He chose not to reply.

"Wait," Hazel looked outside the window, just realising something. "Why are we going to the hospital again?"

"Blake's there," Sarah replied as if it was obvious, "and Wheezie too. Plus, Kaden needs to get his stitches done again."

Hazel said nothing to that. The car ride to the hospital was silent until they reached their destination. Kaden was quick to get out of the car, and enter the hospital. He didn't bother waiting for the girls and had them straining their legs to catch up with his long strides as he headed straight for Blake's room.

Kiara and Pope were sitting on the benches outside Blake's room while John B was leaning against the wall as they waited. Wheezie was standing in front of JJ who had her glasses resting on his nose. He was grinning at her, while she glared daggers at him, demanding her glasses back.

However, upon seeing Kaden arriving, they all made their way towards him, JJ returning Wheezie her glasses back and her stomping on his foot in response and the blonde pogue winced at the action. The two then shifted their attention to the group in front of them.

"Where have you been?" Kiara was the first one to get the question out, staring at Kaden. Her eyes flickered to Sarah and Hazel behind him and her brows raised on their own. "What is she doing here again?"

"She helped in getting him out of jail," Hazel replied, a small grin tugging at her lips.

"Helped? Hardly." Kaden scoffed at Hazel who rolled her eyes as he clarified, "more like, she was just present while I got myself out of jail."

"I was there for mental support, ungrateful child," Hazel's comment earned her an amused look from Sarah who couldn't help but appreciate the fact that Kaden wasn't being a dick to her best friend and vice versa.

Kiara's eyes widened while Pope's jaw dropped then sighed, he looked at John B and JJ exchanged knowing looks before he dug out two dollar notes from his pockets and handed it to either of them.

While Hazel let out a snort at the action, Kiara gaped at them. "You guys had a bet?"

"Well. . ." John B cleared his throat then he offered her a nod. "What, he goes missing for over two hours. The odds were, he was either in jail or dead. The latter sounded unlikely so jail it was."

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now