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"WHAT DO WE NEED to steal again?"

JJ received a smack on the back of his head by Kaden at his question. "Talk a little louder and let the entire world know, why don't you?"

"Jeez," the blonde muttered, rolling his eyes, "sorry. Hey, your tie is not properly done."

The Kaden's fingers went straight to the tie he had on and fixed it. "Playing waiter was really the best cover you could've found for us?"

"Pope's dad did us a favor," JJ shrugged, the two boys' eyes flickering to where Pope and his father were standing and talking, both dressed in similar attire as themselves.

"Boys," Kiara's voice had them turn their bodies to look at her. She was dressed beautifully, she fit so perfectly among the kooks at that moment. Sometimes the Pogues would forget that Kiara was not like them.

"What have they done to you?" Kaden muttered, his eyes taking in her appearance. She tried not to cower under his gaze. If there was someone that she was remotely attracted to in their group, then it was him. But because of the no pogue on pogue macking rule, she never did anything about it. And she also knew that he was not into her. She chose to ignore her feelings altogether instead of chasing something she knew she could not have.

"Don't you like it?" Kiara raised her brows, a smile playing on her lips.

"No, they turned you into a—" the rest of his words were interrupted when a round of applause filled the air. The three looked at where everyone else were looking only to find Ward and Rose walking out, hand in hand, followed by Rafe, Sarah and Wheezie.

"Here come Lord Capital and the exploiters," Kiara mumbled to the two as Pope joined them, furrowing his brows at Rose, "she's definitely gonna poke someone's eye out with that."

"I hope it'll be Ward's," Kaden said as his eyes followed Sarah's movements closely. He couldn't deny the fact that she looked stunning. As if she could sense someone's stare on her, the blonde raised her head and caught Kaden. Her face flushed when he didn't bother looking away.

Her attention, however, was grabbed by Topper who approached her. "Hey. Hey, Sarah. I waited on you. You said you wanted to walk in together."

Kaden subtly rolled his eyes before turning to face his friends. He hadn't told anyone except JJ about what he intended to do.

"Where's John B?" Kiara's question earned her a shrug from all of them except JJ who replied with, "he's obsessed with the idea of his dad being alive. He's trying to find proofs that he is."

"Okay," she glanced at them one by one, "what are you guys doing here again?"

"Helping," Kaden responded, "don't you have better things to do than talking to us, waiters?"

"Don't you waiters have better things—"

"— look, Kie," JJ pointed behind her, "your parents are calling you." She rolled her eyes at them but walked away nonetheless.

"I'm gonna go help my dad," Pope sighed when new guests started coming, "this place is suffocating me already."

"We're gonna go do whatever it is that waiters do," Kaden nodded earning a hum from JJ as he added, "serve."

"Right." Kaden muttered and the two ignored the skeptical look Pope shot them before he left as well.

"All right," JJ turned to Kaden, lowering his voice just so he could hear, "what do we do?"

"We go inside," Kaden nodded towards the house, "we grab the fucking watch." The Midsummer was being held at the Cameron's, which was the reason why the two were there, posing as servers. Rafe had already informed Kaden that he turned off all the cameras.

"Okay," JJ swallowed, "that sounds so easy. Quick in and out."

"Yeah," Kaden shot him a look, "are you sure you're up for this?"

"I'm up for anything, baby." JJ grinned when Kaden rolled his eyes. "I've stolen before."

"I know," he mumbled, "that's why you're here."

"Yeah?" The blonde smirked, "you could say I'm a professional thief at this point."

"Okay," Kaden sighed, "now shut up. There's a passcode to the locker."

"Huh?" JJ blinked.

"Sarah knows it," Kaden informed, "Rafe told me she does. I'm gonna go find her, ask her about it. You go to his office and stay there, I'll text you the shit as soon as I get it."

"And you're sure she'll give it to you?"

"No, but," Kaden's eyes darted to the girl in question. She was dancing with Wheezie, both of them wearing bright smiles on their faces. "I will make her. We don't have any other day, we have to do this today."

"I still can't believe you're partnering up with Rafe fucking Cameron."

"I'm not," Kaden sighed, "he owes me. This is him paying his debt— just like you right now."

"I see," was all the blonde said before he quickly rushed inside while making sure that nobody was looking at him. As soon as he was out of sight, Kaden grabbed a tray of drinks and wove his way through the crowd, right to where Sarah and Wheezie were.

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now