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TOPPER STARED AT KADEN as if he wanted him dead. And no one at the table could blame him.

The news had gotten around quite fast. Everyone were aware that Topper Thornton was beaten up by Kaden Reed.

"So," Ward decided to break the obvious tension that surrounded them in the air. "Kaden, I realized that I actually don't know anything about you even though you work for me. How silly is that?"

"It's not, actually." Kaden shoved a what assumed was French fries in his mouth.

"Well," Rose jumped in, "we want to know."

Both Kaden's and Sarah's head snapped up to her, surprised by the fact that she had the audacity to speak to him after what had transpired earlier during the day.

"What—" Kaden refrained himself from clenching his jaw at the woman, "do you wanna know?" He was already regretting having agreed to the dinner.

He didn't expect that Topper would be there. Neither of them did, actually. He showed up as a surprise. Rafe had been quite throughout the entire thing, like usual. He was, however, on edge. Kaden was his drug dealer. One word from him and he could get in serious trouble. But he knew that Kaden would never. He'd also end up in trouble if he did. Yet he couldn't stop himself from assuming the worst.

"I heard you have a brother," Sarah spoke up before Rose could, having noticed the obvious struggle of control that the guy sitting across her was showing.

He shifted his eyes to her but said nothing as Ward raised his brows, "ah, yes. I've heard about that as well. What's his name?"

"Blake," it was Wheezie who replied, her eyes widening as she did so. She bit her tongue.

"How do you know that?" Rose questioned, furrowing her brows in curiosity and suspicion while Ward seemed unbothered.

"I met him once," Wheezie responded, lying smoothly. "At the Wreck. He's of my age."

"Is he as equally as good looking at you are?" Rose asked in a joking tone making Ward laugh. "Who did you take after, Kaden? Your mother or father?"

The question set him further on edge. Talking about his parents wasn't something he'd planned on ever doing. And talking about them with the Camerons felt like a nightmare.

"Dinner's fine," he changed the subject not to subtly. Ward opened his mouth, ready to speak when Sarah cut in, "it really is."

"The fries are great," Wheezie added, poorly earning a small snort from Rafe. "Right," he put one in his mouth, mocking them, "unlike any other, really." One glare from Kaden shut him up but he was still fighting off a smile.

"What are your parents again?" Topper's question made Kaden snap his eyes in his direction. His eyes assessed over his figure, narrowing slightly on his hand which was placed on top of Sarah's on the table. "I mean," Topper cleared his throat, "let alone seen him, I've never even heard of them."

Instead of replying, Kaden tilted his head in Ward's direction. "I didn't realise that being invited to dinner meant talking about my whole damn life."

"It doesn't," Ward shook his head, "this dinner was meant to be a friendly one. One where we get to know each other, prying was not my intention."

"Sure," Kaden stood up, "I need to use the washroom."

"I'll show you where it is since you've never been to the other parts of the house," Rose was quick to say, about to stand up until Sarah quickly spoke, "no, I'll show him. I'm done eating anyway, I have to use it as well."

Rose reluctantly sat back down at the pointed look the blonde sent him before she walked in the direction of the place with Kaden behind her.

"It's in here," Sarah said as she opened a door, revealing the washroom. They both entered and Kaden approached the sink, he began washing his hands, aware of Sarah's eyes on him as he did so.

"What do you want?" He finally asked, his eyes snapping up to hers in the mirror in front of him. He raised his brows when her cheeks reddened and she quickly adverted her gaze. "Nothing."

He ran his tongue along his lower lips before he turned to look at her, "what's up with your dad?"

"What's up with him?" She asked back, confused resulting in him narrowing his eyes at her. "He's acting weird."

"Weird?" The blonde scoffed, "he invited you for dinner. He is being nice."

"No, he is being weird," Kaden clenched his jaw, "he's never shown an ounce of interest in my life before. Now, he's inviting me for dinner and asking about stuff that doesn't concern him." He glanced at the door behind them to ensure that nobody was eavesdropping before he continued, "something is going on in that head of his."

"Maybe he just wants to get to know you," Sarah sighed, "I told you, he likes you. He's spoken about you before."

"No," he stuffed his hands in his pockets, "he's acting suspicious."

"How—" Sarah cut herself off with a shake of her head, "have you always been this paranoid?"

"I'm not being paranoid."

"You are," she shot him an amused look, "he invited you for dinner and tried to make small talk. That's a nice gesture, you know? It's sweet not suspicious."

"It is to me." He mumbled, furrowing his brows. He knew that Ward wasn't the person he portrayed himself to be in front of his family. But Kaden also knew that trying to make Sarah understand that seemed to be an impossible task.

"He's not the bad person you think he is," Sarah's voice came out softer than before, "you barely know him."

That's what you think. Kaden wanted to say but he held back. He couldn't say that to her, he didn't want to ruin everything. "Right."

"I'm sorry for about Topper, I know you hate—"

"Don't apologise for him," he cut her off with a shake of his head, "it's pathetic."

"I—" Sarah was interrupted yet again when the door swung open, revealing Topper who narrowed his eyes at the two in suspicion. "What are you two doing?"

"Fucking," Kaden replied blankly making the blonde's eyes widen while Topper coughed, clearly taken aback. Kadens lips twitched up, he didn't bother saying anything as he walked past him and out of the washroom.

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now