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"HAVE YOU HEARD?" Kiara asked as she sat down along with the four boys.

JJ looked up from his cocktail, "heard what?"

"Fishermen found two dead bodies in their fishnet earlier," Kiara revealed, keeping her voice down as if she was telling a secret.

Kaden, who was drumming his fingers softly on the wooden table at The Wreck stopped his action. "Did they identify the bodies yet?"

The group of friends liked to hang out there considering the fact that it was owned by Kiara's parents. They'd never say no to free food.

However, it was not a secret to them that her parents didn't like them very much. They only tolerated them because of their daughter.

"No," Kiara shook her head, "I mean, I don't know. All I've heard is what I've told you guys. Nothing more, nothing less— wait— oh, right and they had stab wounds."

John B choked on his sandwich, "huh?"

"They had stab wounds," JJ repeated mockingly. "Like the kind of wounds that you get when you've been stabbed."

"I know what stab wounds mean," John B retorted with a roll of his eyes, "it's just concerning. Like who'd kill people here? And for what?"

"You've been awfully quiet," Pope noticed, his eyes narrowing on Kaden.

"Did you commit those murders?" John B joked, "I wouldn't put it past you." The others broke into a fit of laughter while Kaden merely let out a small chuckle to show that he found the question funny when he didn't. He shook his head at his friends before gulping down the rest of his drink.

"The police have no way in finding out who did though," Kiara spoke up again, "there's no fingerprints, no nothing. Whoever did this totally knew what he was doing."

"So we have a killer on loose?" JJ asked, his brows raised. "That's just great. I hope he goes for the Kooks."

"You hope who goes for the kooks?" A voice coming from behind them startled JJ slightly.

The group turned around to find Kelce standing there with Topper who had his hands wrapped around Sarah's waist. The blonde didn't let her eyes wander to Kaden who she knew was staring at her.

"Great," JJ mumbled under his breath, returning to his drink.

"Here he is," Topper began as he walked towards their table with a fake smile on his face. He stood behind Kaden who acted like he wasn't there, "the fucking psychopath."

"Leave us alone," Kiara rolled her eyes, "don't you kids have better things to do?"

"Nah," Topper grinned, returning his eyes to him, "better enjoy your last days as a free man, Kaden. By next week? You're done because we all know you don't have enough money to pay the fine."  

That made the entire group go silent until John B broke it, "what? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you don't know?" Kelce smiled, "Top is pressing charges against him for assaulting him at the beach."

"That's bullshit," Kiara snapped, frowning, "he can't do that!"

"He is," Kelce added, "say goodbye to your boy."

"Goodbye, K," Blake chuckled, downing his cocktail while he smirked. "I'm going to miss you so much, my brother."

"Wait," John B stood up, agitated, "you're pressing charges against him?" He seethed at Topper, "you started the damn fight!"

"I started it?" Topper scoffed, "you did!"

"I was just messing around but you can't take a compliment for your girlfriend," John B rolled his eyes, "how's that my fault?"

"You landed the first punch," JJ cut in, glaring at Topper, "it's all your fault. You got what you deserved."

Kiara's eyes fell on Sarah who had been quiet the whole time. She was cheering on her lower lips, her eyes fixed on Kaden. Kiara raised her brows at that, the blonde not realising that she was blatantly staring.

Kiara flickered her eyes to Kaden. "K, how can you be so silent?" She frowned at her friend who had begun to play thumb war with Blake making everyone else look at the two in confusion.

"My thumb is too small," Blake whined, "it's unfair."

"Life is unfair," Kaden muttered just as he heard Kiara speak again, "K?"

"Hmm?" He hummed without looking at them. "What?"

"They're talking about throwing your ass in jail," John B responded with his lips pursed.

"Wouldn't be the first time," Kaden muttered, finally dragging his eyes to the group, "I quite honestly don't give a fuck about what you're planning on doing but have fun denying the twenty something witnesses who saw how you started the fight and almost killed John B or—" he tilted his head up to look at his friend's neck, "— explaining how he got those bruises. Sure, I might've hit back but it was to save my friend. I'm sure everyone would understand that."

"You— you— " Topper licked his lips nervously, not knowing what to say.

"You... you..." Blake mocked, snorting, "Topper, you're not smart enough. You wanna sue my brother for your little bruises like the absolute fucking child that you are? Go ahead. Put yourself in this mess. Trust me, you don't want to fuck with him." He paused, "you've felt the result."

"You're such a little asshole," Topper gritted out at Blake who stared at him blankly as he went on, "both of you. There's no way your twenty witnesses would testify against me. They have too much to lose."

"Do they though?" Kaden raised his brows, "even if they do, you'll be too busy rotting in a cell to do anything about that. Oh, and I won't accept money. Jail will be your only option."

"They won't," Topper was sure of himself, "and I have my own witnesses Sarah was there," he pulled her closer, smirking, "and Kelce and Rafe and so many of my friends."

"I don't think Rafe would take your side on this one," Kaden let out a humorless chuckle, "but twenty against what, five? Good fucking luck. Anyways," he stood up, "I gotta get to work."

Topper huffed, "great. I was about to go hang out at Sarah's after leaving this place. Now, I have to see your face there as well."

"You can not hang out there," Kaden pursed his lips, "but we all know you will anyway." As he walked past Topper, he stopped and leaned down, "for your own sake, don't pursue this little revenge of yours, yeah?" He patted his shoulder rather hard as a warning to back off which Topper knew. "I'll see you around."

Sparing Sarah one last glance, Kaden walked out of the Wreck.

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now