CHAPTER# 21- Hot Blooded

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At Club Dice, Jay and Jin met up with Ugly Duck, Gray, Simon D, Loco, Crush and Hep. They were in the back of the club, in the VIP section.  Loco handed Jay and Jin a bottle. Jay bumped knuckles with the boys. Jin did a few tequila shots with them all. Jay warned the guys that she could drink them under the table when it came to tequila. Jin nodded acceptance when everyone backed off with the shots. She then flicked a thumb to the dance floor, already her hips moving to the hip hop beat.  The sound was good, even though it was loud in the club.  Ugly Duck, Gray and Hep followed her, also dancing.  Some fan girls came to hit on Simon D, Loco, Crush and Jay.  To try and get rid of the girls, everyone went onto the dance floor.  Jin danced with a few of the girls and then with the guys or by herself. She was confident in herself and trusted Jay.  So when a blond asian girl isolated Jay with some bump and grind, Jin thought nothing of it.  Fun was an understatement and her smile was infectious.  Even though she danced with Jay's guys, she didn't do bump and grind with any of them.   

One of the fan girls was very persistent, if she couldn't get Loco, then she'd get Jay. He tried to reason with her, moving her to the side and offering to have the guys, including himself sign a t-shirt for her. But that's not what she wanted. The Blond asian wanted to make out and propositioned both Loco and Jay. They turned her down.  Loco left to go dance with his friends who were on the floor with Jin.  Suddenly the blond asian grabbed Jay's face and kissed him, before he could stop her. He held on to her shoulders to try and push her off, when she didn't let go.  What he didn't know was in that exact moment Jin, Ugly Duck, Gray, Simon D, Loco, Crush and Hep all saw him in what appeared as a passionate kiss between Jay and the girl.

Gray spoke first, "he's not drunk enough to forget whom he's with."

Simon D's words were directed to Jin, "he should show you a little respect..."

Jin turned to him and replied with a calm, flat voice, "Jay owes me nothing."  She took off the necklace Jay had given her and put it into Simon D's hand.  "He already gave me respect."  Before she let them see her loose control, Jin walked away through the crowd.  When she got out the door, she simply turned and kept walking.  It was a block from the night club, when the tears began and didn't stop.  Jin had let down her walls and given her heart to Jay, even though she hadn't told him yet. 

She called home. "Mike... " Jin sobbed.  "It's always too good to be true.... will I ever learn?"

"Honey, what's wrong? What happened? Talk to me babe," Mike said with growing concern.

"Just tell me I'm going to be okay, that I always survive.  Make me believe that," Jin sniffed.  She described what happened.

"Go back to his house and do the one thing that makes you centred, that heals your soul.  Once you're calm again, then decide what to do next.  You said he gave you a key.  I want you to promise to go back there.  Call me okay?"  

Jin replied, "Okay Mike, I'll do that.  Thanks for being the voice of reason."  

After hanging up her cell, she called a cab and took it back to Jay's. Unlocking the door and putting the code into the alarm system, Jin sent a text back to Mike letting him know all was okay. She no longer was able to talk. Taking off her shoes, she went to her room and changed into track pants.  Putting her hair into a braid, Jin went back downstairs to Jay's stereo, cranked the volume after plugging in her phone and started the playlist.

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