CHAPTER #41- Various Forms Of Poison

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A few days later, Jay wasn't so sure who was more stubborn; him or Jin. They were discussing a dance move, both failed at it and both didn't want to give up until they achieved completion. He told her to stop, but didn't explain why. Jin would not stop, maybe it was her competitiveness or drive to succeed. What ever it was, made them have a fight, that was vocal. Jin wasn't angry enough to shut down like usual and just grow quiet, this time she was yelling just as loud as Jay was. Sunny had long since given up on trying to stop them from a war that had no winners. Since they were at the AOMG office in the studio, their dispute at least didn't disturb others. However joining Sunny to watch the fight, were Simon D, Loco, Gray, DJ Pumpkin, Ugly Duck and ChaCha. All of them had offered their opinion and suggestions, yet both Jay and Jin shot it all down.

"This is the first time I've ever seen Jin actually yell at Jay," Loco observed and took a sip of beer.

"You're right, she usually takes off and doesn't talk at all," Ugly Duck confirmed.

Sunny nodded, "true... so maybe she isn't really that mad." Accepting a can of beer from Simon D.

"For Jay's sake, that's probably a good thing," Simon added.

"Could the peanut gallery please SHUT UP!" Jin snarled, once again falling after attempting the move.

Jay said, "giving up is not an act of weakness if you're not getting anywhere."

Jin pursed her lips, hands on hips, "says the guy who does dangerous tricks over and over so a music video looks good. I don't see you stopping either!"

"I didn't injure my back a few weeks ago," Jay pointed out.

"He's got a point there!" Sunny called over.

Jin began to stomp over to shut her up, but Simon D and Loco put their arms across in front of Sunny, as a protective barrier. Jin turned on her heal. "You guys don't need to be here." Then she added, "if I gave up so easily, I wouldn't be who I am now. You know that Jay!"

Ugly Duck dared to interject, "you two should just compromise already. Show you care for each other, beyond just yourself."

"This is ridiculous! Why are you being so stupid?" Jay asked and realized too late, he'd finally said the wrong thing.

"Stupid... I'm stupid... thanks, now I know how you really feel." Jin was hurt and it was all over her face.

Sunny whispered, "oh shit."

Jin grabbed her stuff and left. When Jay tried to stop her, she ripped her arm out of his grasp and slammed the door. Sunny scrambled to catch up, but even the office girls didn't know which direction Jin had stormed off to. Sunny returned to the studio.

"I don't know where she went."

Jay swore, "F*ck! Who's the jackass me or her?" It was a rhetorical question. "She'll go home and dance it off. At least now I can get to work."

Simon ignored Jay and said to Sunny, "let's go, I'll help you look for her."

They drove to Jay's, but Jin was not there. Sunny called Mike, to see if Jin had called home. Mike said he'd try to reach her and text them if he could. His text came back, that his call went straight to voicemail.

"She's got her phone off.... Damn. It had been entertaining to watch them butt heads, but now I wish I'd just taken her away from Jay."

Simon agreed, "yeah, we should've separated them, so they cooled down. It's not like Jay to fight, he's a pacifist."

"I use to think those two weren't normal, cause they never fought, now I know that's not true. I wish she'd just call me or something.... Where else could she have gone?"

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