CHAPTER #54- Year Of The Rabbit

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AOMG was 10 years old today. They were having a concert for the fans and an anniversary party was planned afterwards. If there was a good turn out for the concert, then they'd make it into a world wide tour. At tonight's concert, everyone would perform a song individually, Simon D and Jay Park would do one together and finally they would all unite to do a group song. The excitement in the air could be felt by everyone. It had been about eight months since the CEOs of AOMG had done a live performance and the fan anticipation was crazy. Sure they had released songs, done collaborations with other artists and put out music videos, but neither guy had been on stage live. The concert was being held at night, in downtown Andog, by Talchum Park, after the Andong Maskdance Festival performances. It was the biggest production for AOMG in the last five years and all kinds of media, local and international, were covering it.

Jay noticed that Jin was overly anxious and jumpy. She kept turning her wedding ring around her finger. "You and the dancers will be fine, relax."

Sunny agreed, "we could both do this blindfolded."

Jin ran for a garbage pail and puked. Jay came with a bottle of water, rubbed her back and held her braid out of the way. He hadn't seen Jin this nervous, since the day of their wedding. It made him smile, remembering that she'd almost barfed on Mike and then her grandmother, (God rest her soul).

"Maybe you should sit down for a bit."

Simon had a suspicion of why Jin was so nervous, but he'd not shared his thoughts with his wife Sunny, nor with his friend Jay. "If you can't keep the water down, try just sucking on these ice cubes. You taught me that trick, from when I drank too much tequila at our wedding."

Sunny laughed, "I remember that, yeah I was glad our daughter was with your parents that night and the next day!"

Jin finally spoke, "thanks guys... can I talk to Jay alone for a few minutes?"

"Sure, we've got shit to do anyway," Sunny said. "It's so nice when I can use my potty mouth."

Simon laughed and they both left their friends alone. Jin sat down, so scared that Jay would be angry. But she couldn't hide this secret any longer.

"Jay... I...," she stuttered.

"You know you can tell me anything... what's wrong?"

The love and concern in his voice made her confess. "I'm pregnant... look here's the ultrasound picture... the baby's a boy."

Jay was shocked, "I'm going to be a father? Really?"

She nodded, terrified he didn't want a child. They'd joked about kids in the past, but had never seriously discussed it. "Yes. I should've told you sooner... but I was scared."

He pulled her into a hug and kissed her face. "Jin this is the best news ever! Why were you scared?"

"We never talked about having children... and what if I'm a terrible mother?" Jin couldn't help the tear that splashed down her cheek.

"You teach dance to children and they love you. Remember that one time in the park, eight years ago, when some guy tried to abduct a little girl?" Jay recalled from their past, like it was yesterday.

She sniffed, "yeah... we danced to make her laugh and then she found her mom."

"How you were that day, is exactly why you'll be a great mother. We'll learn together how to be good parents," Jay reassured. "Um, did the doctor say it's okay for you to keep dancing?"

"Yes... that's why I gave Sunny the lead and I'm in the background, behind the other AOMG dancers." Jin held on to his hand, "so you're happy and want to be a dad?"

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