CHAPTER #48- Truth Exposed

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The smell of bacon, woke everyone up. Jay was disoriented initially, having forgotten where he was. Jin was not beside him and he guessed correctly that it was her making breakfast. He was still wearing his clothing from yesterday, so just got up in search of coffee.

"Good morning, that smells awesome." Jay said in greeting, then added, "did you sleep at all last night?"

Jin replied, "a little." But when she turned around to hand him a mug of coffee, he could see her eyes were puffy with dark rings beneath. "I still can't believe you came," she said.

"Are you done with pushing me away for my own good?" Jay held his plate out, to receive breakfast.

"That goes for the rest of us too," Simon added as he came into the kitchen.

She nodded her head in confirmation, then Jin stuffed a piece of toast bread into her mouth.

"I'm glad to see you eating," Sunny commented, knowing her friend had done that to avoid talking.

Stone arrived next, "hopefully this is the last day of you being on the stand."

"I need a shower," Jay announced, after finishing his plate.

Chris arrived and showed him where the linen closet was to get a towel, before Jay went to the bathroom to shower. Chris came back to the kitchen. "I don't recommend going in the two piece washroom by the front door, Jake is still spraying air freshener in there."

"Eww," Sunny groaned. "I'm trying to eat here."

Simon tried to steal a piece of bacon from her, "I'll eat what you can't finish."

"There's lots left, help yourself. I need to get ready for court." Jin announced, before going back to her room.

Having already had a shower, she only needed to get dressed. Instead she just stood at the window, staring outside. Having Jay, Simon D and Cha Cha there to support her emotionally, she finally realized that was exactly what had been missing. Jin was still standing by the window, when Jay returned from his shower and took out clean clothing from his suitcase.

"Are you okay?" He asked when she didn't move.

Jin turned around. "Why do you love me? I don't deserve it."

Instead of answering her question, Jay asked one of his own. "Why don't you think you deserve my love?"

"I've been trouble to you since we met... from what has come out during this trial...."

She didn't get to finish. He came to stand in front of her. "All the trial tells you, is that your father is a sick bastard. Don't you dare believe that this is in any way your fault. I don't care if you pranced around in just your underwear all over the house, he still had no right to look at you with sexual desire."

Jin bit her lower lip, "then why do I feel guilty for this having happened?"

"Because you always take everything in on yourself. Even though your father's a creeper, you think that it's your job to protect the family."

"The only family I want, is the one in Korea; you, Jehan, your parents, AOMG and my grandmother. Stone, the crew, Mike and Sunny are my new Seattle family I guess. But once this is over, I'm leaving here permanently."

"Are you coming back to South Korea?" Jay asked.

"My grandmother's health is fading and as soon as I have all the paperwork and requirements filled, then I'm going to live with her."

He smiled, "see what I mean? You're already planning to help a woman you barely know, but I agree that she's worthy of your love."

"I hope one day I'm worthy of yours," Jin said. Then she got dressed for court, this time wearing her hair down.

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