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Katniss and Peeta had just come off the Cornucopia, the sun had fully came up and Ceneca announced that there could only be one winner. Peeta had told Katniss that she needed to be the one to go home and that she could take her aim at him. But instead Katniss threw her bow to the ground and took out Nightlock berries for both of them to eat. Peeta agreed and both had berries in their hand, before they could eat them Ceneca announced they had both won. The Capitol would rather see two people be crowned then not have a victor.

After Katniss and Peeta were finally out of the arena, Haymitch and Esmeralda took Katniss to talk alone.

"The Capitol is angry with you?" Haymitch said.

"Well I'm not to thrilled with them either" Katniss quickly defended.

"Katniss this is serious, when you exposed those berries in the arena, you exposed the Capitol and they don't take that lightly, trust me." Esmeralda told her hoping to get through to her.

"What is the Capitol going to do? And why do you keep saying 'trust me'? I get you're my mentor but an explanation would be nice" Katniss stared right into her eyes.

"Fine better that you know" Esmeralda told her.

"The Capitol, no President Snow was helping them all along" Esmeralda thought to herself. She knew they had an unfair advantage but this is too much. She knew what she had to do.

When the career pack went to sleep she took two parachutes and saw more notes saying that one of them had to win, that they would have everything if one of them one, and more saying that Snow wanted one of them to win. It made her anger and she knew that she had to show people what they were doing by not blocking any of the notes that were left in the parachutes.

After taking the parachutes, she went to the Cornucopia, there she found another tribute there, the girl from 11. She had the spear that the girl from 2 had and tried to throw it at Esmeralda. But Esmeralda was quick to dodge it. The girl ran at her and punch Esmeralda almost knocking her down. But Esmeralda stabilized herself and out her fist up, she punched the girl straight in the stomach then across her face. The girl fought back and tried to knock her over. Esmeralda punched one more time across the girl's face knocking her over near the spear that she had thrown not that long ago, the girl tried again but Esmeralda was too quick, and threw a knife that she had strapped to her thigh, straight to the girls heart.

Seeing the girls eyes loose all sense broke Esmeralda more than anything, Esmeralda didn't want to be in the games, using her knives for something like this. Esmeralda had tears in her eyes and her breathing got heavier when the sound of the cannon went off, but she had a plan that she need to get to, so she ran to the initial place where they first came into the arena from, the tributes platforms. She carefully rewired the mines that Haymitch told her about, the ones that the Gamemakers make when they have someone step off the platform too early. She knew how to rewire things because of her father, he showed her how to turn off the electric fence when they needed to go hunt. She rewired it into the parachute so when the careers would open it, it would go off that instant.

Later that night Esmeralda had when to the highest building above the careers, she was ready to drop them when two careers left. But she knew it was now or never, she was not going to get another opportunity like this.  She dropped the parachutes back to back. And without missing a beat the careers opened them, causing a huge explosion, taking out not only 3 careers but 4 other tributes who were waiting to steal so food from them. Then all 7 cannons went off back to back. Tears formed in her eyes knowing what she had just done, and remembering that she did this for Rye.

Once the other two tributes came back she dropped the notes Snow had left and wrote on almost all of them "Can Snow help you now?" They read out loud.

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