Training and Evalutation

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Training, as side from the actual arena itself, is one of the scariest parts of the Hunger Games. Its the place where all the tributes can see each others weakness.

"Remember Rye don't show what you can't do but don't show what you can" Esmeralda told her fellow tribute.

"Got it"

They walked around looking at all the tributes who where all doing something different. Esmeralda saw the knives and want to go see what they had to offer but she knew better. For this years games they had a section of the training room dedicated to running, climbing, and throwing. Things that Rye and Esmeralda would be great at.

One of the many trainers were telling all the tributes that they need not to fight with each other, they need to grasp all information they can, and learn how to expand what they already know. Esmeralda and Rye looked at each other to make sure that they were doing okay.

Esmeralda has apologized to Rye before they went to the training room because she knew that being the way she was being towards him was wrong, that it wasn't his fault that she is there. They told each other that it's been a short time, that they see each other as a kind of sibling that they want to protect. Since Rye is the oldest of 4, with a younger sister and two younger brothers, he knew that he wanted to protect them and now Esmeralda, even though he knew that she could hold her own out there. Esmeralda being the only child she knew that caring for someone can do a world of wonder for her and them, but she knew she had to protect the people she care about, and help people in general, its what her parents had taught her all her life.

"Learn something new, show them that you can hold your own but don't show off what you can do" Esmeralda told Katniss and Peeta while they are going down to the training room.

"The Careers, District 1, 2, and 4, are going to show off but they think that no one is going to mess with them, which most of the time is true. So they are going to be watching everyone like a hawk, if worse comes to worse, show what you can do but not fully" Esmeralda added.

"No don't show off what you can do at any time" Haymitch told them. He looked forward and Katniss and Peeta looked over to her and she shook her head giving them the okay to do so if they needed too.

The following days Peeta and Katniss have been training, and making sure that they keep getting new skills while the game makers are watching them. During one of the days, Peeta had fell off a climbing rope and the Careers started laughing. Katniss and Peeta had a quick discussion that lead Peeta to throw a large metal weight near the Career Pack. Haymitch just looked over to Esmeralda and she shrugged her shoulders.

A few days of training later it was time for the individual assessments. Tribute after tribute entered starting from 1 all the way to 12, Esmeralda knew she was going to be lasted because they started with the male tributes first.

"Rye, show them what you can do" Esmeralda told him before he entered the large training room. He smiled and nodded telling her that he knows that she is going to do amazing.

Rye went into the room ready to show how fast he was, dodging hologram after hologram. The game makers were watching him because they had never seen anyone that fast before. They knew that he was someone that was going to last but did they think that he was going to win, probably not.

Soon after Esmeralda went in, and she saw the line of knives they had for her and the two two edged swords that where waiting to be used. She strapped on the holster as quickly as she could and then placed the sword on the strap that she had on her back.

"Esmeralda Theo, District 12" She said grabbing their attention.

"Finally" one said

"Yes time to finally get this over with" Esmeralda said under her breathe but she could tell a couple of them heard.

The holograms turned on and they were coming at her with different types of weapons she quickly threw swords at them right where there should be the heart, eyes, and head. The Gamemakers went from talking loudly to quiet and concentrating on Esmeralda. Once she ran out of knives she pulled the double edged sword spinning it all around getting every hologram left and right. The final ones that came where three, with them coming from the left, right, and front of her. With one swift motion of the sword she took them all down.

Every Gamemaker and commenter started clapping for her to which Esmeralda started to shake and put the sword down, and unstrapped the holsters that where on her.

"Thank you" she said walking out of the training room.

Later that day the scores were to come out being announced by Cesar. They were all sitting around the TV waiting for Cesar to start. The Careers: District 1 male tribute got a score of a 10 and the female tribute got a 10; District 2 male tribute got a score of a 10 and the female tribute got a score of a 9. Then District 4 male tribute got a score of a 8 and the female tribute got a score of a 9. After what seemed like forever it was finally time for District 12, Rye was up first.

"Rye Coastal, District 12, with a score of a 9" Cesar announced and everyone in the room cheered.

"Esmeralda Theo, District 12, with the score of a 12" everyone in the room froze for a moment.

"Esmeralda that's amazing, you're going to get sponsors for sure with that score" Rye told her giving her a hug.

"A 9 and a 12, my two tributes are looking amazing" Effie said because with those two scores, District 12 has the highest average.

"A 12 is something that I've never seen before, it's something I don't think we have ever seen before, from any district, not even high average districts" Cesar announced to the people watching.

"District 12 is looking strong with a 9 and 12 having the highest District Average of these games" Cesar added before the broadcast ended.

Today Katniss and Peeta finished their individual assessments where Peeta showed off his strength and Katniss showed them what she can do with a bow and arrow. Katniss had did something drastic today and Esmeralda knew that Effie was probably loosing her mind. When her and Haymitch where getting closer to the living room area where everyone was waiting to see the scores they heard Effie loosing her mind.

As Esmeralda and Haymitch walked in they just gave Katniss a thumbs up. And Effie looked at the both of them angrily.

"This is not a joking matter, what if they were to take it out-" Haymitch stopped her.

"Take it out on who, her or him, me or Essie, they can't do more than what they are about to do to them" Haymitch told her.

Everyone calmed down and waited for the scores to come on screen, after what felt like eternity later District 12.

"Peeta Mallark, District 12, with a score of an 8" Cesar announced.

Everyone cheered for him and then settled down waiting for Katniss score.

"Katniss Everdeen, District 12, with a score of an 11" Cesar announced and everyone got up and cheered.

"A score this high from district 12 is something we haven't seen since the district 12 mentor herself Esmeralda Theo. However the overall average is not as high as Esmeralda's year but in the top running" Cesar announced.

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