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Everyone walked to the beach but still on the edge of the jungle watching the waves calm downs it was reaching them. Johanna, Flora, and Annie came back from bring water for Esmeralda and Katniss.

"Thanks Jo" Esmeralda told her friend.

"No problem, here let me help you up. Nicky over there seems like he's going to pull you close to him and never let you go" Jo let out a small chuckle and pulled the district 12 victor up.

Esmeralda walked away as Johanna sat on the right of Katniss with Flora on her right and Annie in front of Flora.

"So, I know I've heard the stories and I've seen them but Esmeralda doesn't really talk about much. What's the story between her and Finnick?" Katniss asked, wanting an honest answer.

"Well I don't know if w should Annie is literally-" Flora started but stopped.

"No it's perfectly fine, Esmeralda and I have talked it through and I never really liked Finnick, I just like the fact that he was willing to help me." Annie explained to the group of female victors.

"Es and Nick were kind of thrown together, together in the since that they were the youngest, they were in a world that just wanted to make everyone numb and exploit them. Esmeralda was traumatized and the Capitol wanted to keep it that way, Finnick, on the other hand, was the shinning pearl to the Capitol, we was the distraction and that was the only way they coped." Johanna started.

"They found peace within each other, they found a little piece of hope within each other, sitting in silence was enough for them, but the long conversations that would last all night that would stress Effie out meant the world to them" Annie continued.

"Before there was you and Peeta, Katniss. There was and still is Esmeralda and Finnick. The Capitol was jealous of the fact the Esmeralda 'had' Finnick, but they were equally jealous of Finnick, because he had the Flame and he wouldn't burn around her." Flora stated.

"Finnick and Esmeralda, whether they admit it or not to everyone, are in love and have been since after her games, since they were 15. Esmeralda was in and out of therapy with Cinna, Haymitch, and Effie, trying to find some peace in her mind, and Finnick was being sold left and right, but no matter what was happening to them, they always made sure to check in on each other. All victors have been through hell and back; Finnick and Esmeralda are a deeper far of that truth but they have the love for each other," Johanna sighed and continued, "Love is weird."

Katniss looked over at Esmeralda, who was in the arms of Finnick as the waves kept crashing on their legs.

"What if we run?" Finnick said filling the silence.

"What?" Esmeralda looked up still in Finnick's arms.

"What if we run, Es? Run into the jungle, soon it's gonna be just us, this alliance"

"I can't kill any one of them, especially Haymitch," Esmeralda said.

"I don't think I can either" Finnick looked down at the love of his life, "none of us are going to draw our weapons"

"They will still kill us all, they are only letting one person out of here"

"So we run until we have to fight, it'll just be us until we have to do what neither of us want to do" Finnick pulled her in for a tighter hug.

"Okay, we run, we fight, as long as we do it together, okay" Esmeralda squeezed him.

"Always" Finnick kissed the top of her head not letting go of his girl.

"Katniss and Peeta are going to do the same, I know it" Esmeralda told Finnick.

"How do you know?"

"I'm just sure of it"

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