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Esmeralda was walking on the elevator back the the 12th floor when she ran into someone she has been avoiding.

"Thunder stealer" Finnick smiled.

"Waiting for me in elevators again Nick" she answered not making eye contact.

"Es what's wrong?" Finnick asked but she didn't answer.

"Es come on, this isn't us. I say something irritatingly charming and you try your hardest not to laugh, then you say something seriously." Finnick told her. Esmeralda never realized that this is how most of their conversations, but it's true Finnick can usually say the most random things to make her smile.

"Nick, Annie seems not still not leave your side, we are all going back into the arena, and this time we are going into against each other. I want you protecting you and your fellow district tributes, you don't need to worry about me."


"No Nick"

"Esmeralda please listen to me" Finnick said grabbing her attention.

"You've never said my whole name before" Esmeralda looked up at him.

"I'm only saying it because I need you to pay attention and what I'm about to tell you is important" Finnick told her, took a deep breath in, and then continued "I will always protect you, even if you don't want me too I will."

"Nick but-"

"No. No buts, you told me you loved me and I love you. You really aren't getting rid of me that easily now" he stepped closer to her. Finnick used his index finger to lift her head up from her chin.

"The love I have for you will always mean that I will protect you" he whispered and he leaned in and kissed her. Esmeralda swears that when Finnick kisses her time freezes, and the only thing that matters is her and Finnick.

For Finnick there is nothing more important than Esmeralda, than the feeling he has when he around her.

For both of them it felt like the kiss was going to last forever until the elevator dinged to say they were on the 12th floor. They both took a step back and looked at each other for a second.

"I will never let anything happen to you" Finnick told her.

"Same her Nick," she told him with a smile before the both took a step back and heard someone else.

"Finally" Dominic said grabbing there attention.

"Well Essie I came to see you and I can tell you found your favorite person from District 4" Dominic said with sarcasm looking at Esmeralda and she's looking back at him.

"Dom what are you talking about, my favorite person from District 4 is back at District 4" Esmeralda says with a smirk on her face.

"Okay thunder stealer I see how it is" Finnick said.

"Wow okay Essie," Dominic said after.

"Okay Dom come on we can talk about what ever you wanted to talk about, Nick I'll see you around" Esmeralda said pulling Dom to the hallway.

"So what happened Dom, are you okay" Esmeralda asked as they are walking.

"That's actually what I came to ask you Essie, I've noticed you've been avoiding us, I didn't know if it was about Annie or the Games?" Dom asked.

"Why would it have to do with Annie?"

"She told me about what happened between you and her last year"

"It's nothing, I mean yes she can be a little close to Finnick but that doesn't bug me, everyone could use someone like Finnick in their life, but I didn't want to avoid you guys, it just felt easier that having to face it full on that basically almost everyone I care about is going into that fucking arena again" Esmeralda said trying her hardest to not let herself panic again.

"I know Essie, we shouldn't have to do this but we have no choice" Dom told her, wanting to bring her into a hug but he knew it would freak her out.

"I've never had a choice, so what else is new" she said under her breath.

"Okay let's change the subject" Dom said getting her to look up from her hands that she was playing with.

"Yeah, okay. So question. What's going on with you and Annie?" Esmeralda asked.

"Hey hey hey, when I said change the conversation I was talking about you and Finnick" Dom looked scattered.

"We can talk about that, but only after you answer my question about you and Annie"

"Fine okay, just because I know you can never let anything go"

"I take some offense to that"

Dom let out a small laugh, "Annie and I are complicated, I thought that she wanted Finnick all this time, but now she and I... Annie is. Essie I think I love her and I don't know how to tell her."

Esmeralda looked up at the tall brunette standing right in front of her "Dom, this is what Annie and I kind of talked about last year but I think she liked the idea that the Capitol put in her head about her and Finnick, honestly I thought that that was going to be best for both of them. But Annie needs a friend like Finnick, but I've seen the way she talks about you, she just lights up and she won't stop talking about you. I think that both of you need each other and want each other but are too scared to see how each other will react"

"Wow Essie when did you get so smart"

"I've always been smart you just never want to hear any of it" Esmeralda said with a smile.

"Okay now time to hold up your end of the bargain, you and Finnick" Dom asked with a grin on his face.

"Fine fine, Finnick and I are fine, does Annie sometime bug me? Yes but that's because I know how great it is to have Finnick in your life. But I can get past that. I've always said that Finnick and I were never going to be together because I don't want him to be taken from me, but if we aren't together they could take him away. Either way I'm not letting that happen, I just want him in my life and this way is better, if I'm being honest" Esmeralda said getting lightly red cheeks talking about Finnick.

Dominic nodded as Finnick had told him about what Snow is making Esmeralda do. Dominic knew that he wanted her to be happy, which is something that is hard to be after the games but Finnick seemed to bring a light out of her that made her smile.

"Dom" Esmeralda asked with a serious tone and stopped walking.

"What happened?" he asked stopping right in front of her.

"I have to ask you something, and you have to promise me that you will follow through with it no matter what, can you do that?"

"Anything Essie you know that"

"If anything happens to me in the arena, you have to make sure Finnick keeps going-"

"Esmeralda don't talk like this"

"Dom we have to, there are 48 of us going into the arena where we all have to have a specific skill, I need you to promise me that Finnick will keep going, he has to be the one that keeps going not me. Promise me?" Esmeralda looks up to the man that is like a brother to her, with tears in her eyes.

Dominic was silent for a second and the nodded, Esmeralda really needed to give him a hug. He was shocked that she did it but pulled her in as tight as he could.

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