18. I'll Remember

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"Rennie?" Sydney calls, but I've already crash-landed into my bed, still fully dressed from the club.

"You're not going to sleep yet, are you? You need to eat something so you don't feel like shit in the morning!" Sydney lectures from the kitchen.

We didn't stay much longer at the club after I texted Gio. I couldn't get back in the dancing mood—just stayed long enough to have a few more drinks... that's for sure. Sydney had some sort of heart-to-heart with Bryce, and besides a pouty glance or two, he pretty much left me alone. On the flip side, I saw a happy Gemma dancing with him on my way out the door.

"Make me something, and I'll eat it!" I yell back.

I imagine Sydney is grumbling to herself in the kitchen, but I know she'll do it. I smile to myself as I hear pots being rustled in the kitchen. Hopefully, she makes me grilled cheese.

My mood is still erratic—all kinds of conflicting hormones are still coursing through my veins over Gio's last text, and neither the alcohol nor my emotionally charged verbal dump onto my friends or their logical responses is alleviating it. I would have had Sydney drive me to his house, so I could pound on his door and work it out, but I still don't know where he lives.

Gio hasn't responded to my voice messages (yes, I sent another one), and I still don't know what I should return to his last text. Glancing at the clock, it's only a quarter to midnight. Alone and drunk in my bedroom, as usual, I try again to make contact again. I click on Metric and press the phone to my cheek. It rings twice, and my breath catches when he actually picks up.

"Hello?" he answers groggily.

Oh, shit, he was asleep. Well, good. He was probably too disoriented to screen his calls.

"Gio, it's me."


I need to tokta you," I slur slightly, sitting back up in my bed. 

"How drunk are you?" he mumbles, still trying to come to.

"Why'd you leave like that?"

"Coming tonight was a mistake." 

"Why?" I press.

"Look, I talked to that... co-worker guy of yours while you were gone... you... you should just stick with him. Okay? He seems like a real charming, successful, good-looking guy," he sighs roughly.

"I don'want Bryce, though. I—Ugh. I want you, Gio!"


Then he heaves another sigh. "I'm not good for you, Ren, and you're not good for me either. You actually know nothing about me now. And honestly, you were better off... far away from me."

I'm so confused, and I don't think it's just because I'm pretty drunk. I can feel my eyebrows knitting together.

"Wherz this coming from? I thought las' night—ta'night—it seemed like—"

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry about that. I can't seem to think straight when I'm around you. Which is why it's better if we don't see each other again."

"Ugh! Why, though?"

"I don't do relationships anymore! Not with anyone! And especially not with you!"

My heart stops, and all that escapes my open mouth is a stunned puff of air.  I can hear the anger in his voice, but the way he says it... there's something else. What the hell is going on?

"Who says we hav'ta have a relationship," I counter hotheadedly.

"Be real, Ren, I know you. You don't just want to hook up with me." 

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