22.1 I Need You

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It's been almost two months since that night at the club. I haven't bumped into Ren downtown or at the gym. I haven't searched for her on Facebook to see what she's doing, and she hasn't tried to text or call me. I should be happy about that—it's what I told her to do—but I'm not. I feel miserable about it.

At a minimum, she still crosses my mind at least a few times a day, and she almost always dances through my mind right before I fall asleep. Lately, I've been hoping to see her star in one of my dreams. But I haven't dreamt about her for months now, or at least not that I remember. That is, not until last night...

I had a bad dream that something terrible happened to her. She was desperately calling for me, but I didn't know where she was; I couldn't get to her in time. At 4 am, I woke up in a sweat, her scream still in my ear. I couldn't shake it. I even held one of my pillows close to my chest, pretending she was curled into me again, protecting her, but it didn't help; I couldn't fall back asleep.

It's Saturday, so I went to the gym again during that dance class, hoping I'd see her so I'd know she was okay. But she wasn't there. I've picked up my phone a few times, itching to text her, but that would be opening a door that should remain closed.

My lack of sleep from that dream is finally catching up to me. It's all I can do not to yawn at the dinner table. But I shouldn't be rude. Charlie's in town for my birthday and has taken me out to the hottest new place in town tonight. But I woke up at four, and the only reservation he could get was for fucking eight pm. I know it's the eve of my birthday and all, but I'm already fantasizing about being in bed.

Our waiter sets the appetizer we ordered in the center of the table. Using my fork, I pile a costini high with the mixture and take a bite. Mmm. It's really good. I wish I could enjoy it more, but on top of feeling tired, I'm irritated.

I wanted to go out, just Charlie and I, but for some reason, he wanted to 'treat me' for my birthday and surprised me with a double date. Dani and I forget the other one's name. They're nice and whatever, but just about as fake as they come. All we've been talking about is Brittney Spears going crazy, some book called Twilight, and whoever Brangelina is. Fuck me. All I hear is blah fucking blah blah blah. My eyes lose focus, and I'm just staring into the middle distance.

An unnerving sensation settles over me... I feel watched.

My eyes slide to the right across the aisle and suddenly crash right into Ren's, sending a quick taser-like jolt to my system. Fuck. But then instantly, a wave of relief washes me—thank god, she's okay.

God. I've been so idiotic to worry about her over some stupid dream. I get too caught up in magical, paranormal thinking sometimes. She snaps her eyes away from me and takes a big gulp of her wine then hides her face in her menu.

My eyes fixate on the rest of her. She's wearing a green velvet dress that covers only one shoulder, highlighting the sexy delicateness of the other. The angled neckline draws my eye further down to the curve of her chest, waist, hip, and thi-ee-igh.


Even though my eyes are thoroughly relishing the sight of how short her dress is, my stomach turns in on itself. I want her to go home right now and change it to something more... more... well not like that. Not when she's out with some other guy. Some guy like... fuck. Bryce. Of course. Of course, she's here with him.  I close my eyes and rub them, trying to rub out the image.

Charlie's voice rings out over the table, "Hey, what's wrong, man? You got something in your eye?"

"No, no. I'm fine," I sigh. "I'm just tired."

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