23. Rescue

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When I return to my table, Gio shoots me an agitated look, probably because he gleaned Charlie had likely spoken to me in the restrooms. Luckily, Bryce is still oblivious, waiting, and ready to go with my coat.

"Shall we?" he asks.

"Yes." I'm quite ready to get away from this uncomfortable situation.

The Roxy isn't far from the restaurant, so we just walk the three blocks to get there. It's an easy walk, but my heart rate notches up as we approach the club, and I'm not sure why... I guess it's because the last time I was here, I had been hoping I'd be moving forward with a different man—a different man who is still at the restaurant three blocks back...   

Let him go. Just breathe and have fun tonight.

Bryce opens the door for me, and I slide my arm through his as we ascend the stairs. The bass blasts my ears, the place is pumping, and he practically has to elbow his way in to buy us beers at the bar, and I wait patiently behind him, watching the couples dancing in the next room. Bryce returns a few minutes later with two Corona and shots—tequila shots.


"Hope that's okay. I thought they'd be fun," he smiles, yet looking just a touch uneasy about his choice.

"Um..." A slight nervousness slides up my back, but I shrug it off. Thoughts of Gio going home with his date flash through my mind and make my stomach sour.

"Yeah, okay," I agree. 

We down our tequila and suck on the lime placed on top, then nurse our beers while we watch the other dancers. After a bit, a good song comes on, so we abandon our beers. He takes me to the dance floor and spins me, which should have been effortless, but I'm feeling past tipsy now, and I wobble a bit in my heels. 

He catches and steadies me, his hand on my hip as he finds the beat. I follow his lead and place my hand up on his shoulder. Bryce, being an excellent dancer, knows how to move his body. He's looking very attractive right now.

 I'm slightly surprised as I feel myself loosening back up. I'm liking this, so I turn it up a notch. He's smiling, watching me move my hips in time to the beat for him. I feel good. Desired. I throw a sexy smirk right back at him.

"You look hot tonight," he says in my ear, pulling me into him. One hand is on my hip and the other at the small of my back, so our bodies now press firmly together. He dips our bodies together suggestively, but suddenly I feel stiff, hesitating.

What's my problem? He's cute and available... and he wants me!

"But you always look hot," he continues, pulling me even tighter against him and grinding into me. I'm starting to feel way uncomfortable instead of sexy with him. 

He murmurs in my ear, "You know... I have to admit I was more than a little jealous when I saw how you danced with your high school friend on your birthday." Then kisses me softly on the neck, and I can feel him hard against my leg. All the hairs on my neck prickle up.

Uh-oh. Don't, Bryce.

"I think it's my turn with you tonight," he whispers seductively into my ear.

That hits me right the wrong way. I push him away.

"Sorry, Bryce. I can't." I hold my hands up, taking a step back.

"Come on, Lauren, are you kidding me? I've been patient for months now. You've been giving me all the green lights tonight!"

"I know, I just... I can't do..." I point toward the slight bulge in his pants. "That... with you." After the words leave my mouth, I realize I'm drunk, and I'm not yelling this over the music in the most tactful way. "I mean with a co-worker."

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