Cigarette Sunrise

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James POV:

"I can't sleep." I say, my voice quiet.

"How 'bout you?" I ask.

Why the hell are you talking to him!?

"Like I'd tell you, Potter." I see Snape roll his eyes out of the corner of mine.

I look at him and glare slightly.

"C'mon man I'm tryin' to have a decent conversation here no need to be a dick." I say and he sneers.

"Besides, I answered your question." I say matter-of-factly.

We glare at each other for a minute before I just sigh and go back to watching the trees.

"Whatever, don't answer. Sorry for trying to have a conversation where we're not at each others throats." I roll my eyes.

"Excuse the fuck out of me." I say emotionlessly.

It's silent for a moment, the only sound being the faint hum of insects coming from the forest.

"Nightmares." Snape says suddenly.

I look at him but he avoids eyes contact.

I just nod my head silently and go back to enjoying the view.

It's another minute or two before either of us speak.

"Want one?" He breaks the silence.

I turn my head curiously to find him holding a cigarette loosely between his lips, holding out the pack to me.

Shrugging my shoulders I slowly adjust to where I'm on my knees and reach into his archway to grab one.

After i do he stuffs the pack into his pj pocket and then pulls out a silver lighter.

He lights mine quickly and then lights his own.

I go back to my original spot and inhale deeply, my nerves immediately calming.

"Didn't take you as a smoker." I say absently.

"Your the athlete here not me." Is all he says.

Once again we descend into a comfortable silence.


That's a word I never thought I'd use in the same vicinity as Severus Snape.

But that's what this is in a way.


With my friends there's always this need.

This need for me to be funny and lively and energetic and just...okay.

Not only do they need these things from me but when I'm with them I feel like I need these things.

But here, I don't have to be any of that.

I'm not going soft of course, and I'll never let Snape know that I'm too tired to keep my guard up right now, but it's nice to just sit in peace.

But what would be much better would be to get some fucking sleep.


I don't know for how long we both sit, facing we other and staring at the grounds, but before I know it the sky starts to lighten.

The sun slowly rises above the trees and the hills, lighting up the sky in a firey display of colors.

Just like always a morning mist has settled across the ground and the trees sway in the slight wind.

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