Bathroom Break

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Remus' POV:

My mouth drops open slightly and I glance to my right to see James turn red.


James avoids my eyes as he stare down hard at his shoes.

"Wait one moment please." I say toward Sirius then I take James by his arm and drag him ten feet away from Padfoot.

"Why're you talking to me Moony? Sirius is waiting - " James starts but I cut him off.

"I like you. Alright? But I also like Padfoot." I say quickly.

James smiles slightly but it soon fades.

"Just say yes to him. He asked you out and I didn't." James says sadly.

"But it wouldn't feel right with what happened earlier - " with the kiss.

James just gives me a look.

"Don't let me stand in the way of you two. Sirius really likes you, I can tell. Go, have fun with him tomorrow."

He smiles at me one last time before turning around and leaving.

I want to call out for him to stay but I know Padfoot is waiting for my answer.

Turning around quickly i stride over to Sirius.

He quickly springs to his feet from his knee, looking at me hopefully.

"I'll go with you Padfoot." I state.

He grins widely.

"Brilliant! I - "

"On one condition." I cut him off.

His face falls slightly but he still looks hopeful.

"And that is?"

"James comes with us."

James' POV:

Breakfast was going good.

I had eaten a bit while disappearing the rest with my wand and Moony didn't even notice!

Then Sirius came down with Peter and commented on how much food I was having.

My stomach churned and burned with his words but I know he didn't mean it to hurt me.

Then Sirius had to go and ask Moony out before I had the chance to.

I'm not mad at him of course - I don't think I could ever be truly mad at him - but it didn't hurt any less.

This morning hasn't been the best.

First I spend time with Snape, then I freak out in front of the boy I like and then both of the boys I like are going on a date.


That would be the word to describe what I feel about today.

But all of that has led me to being here, crouched over the toilet, fingers down my throat and tears in my eyes.

My throat burns and my stomach heaves as I empty the contents of my guts into the porcelain bowl.

I know it's probably not healthy but I can't help it.

The food was sitting thickly and heavily in my stomach, making me feel weighed down.

Besides, with everything else that's happened today, I need to be able to control at least one thing.

This can be that one thing - it has been that one thing for the past three months.

Sirius' POV:

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