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James Potter POV:

"So..." I trail off.

"So..." Remus repeats.

We both stare at each other from the other sides of the booth, waiting for Sirius to get back with the food.

Simultaneously we avert our eyes and bring our drinks up to our face.

I don't know why things are so awkward...

We literally slept in the same bed last night and now here we are, blushing like a couple of cringy first years.

But it seems like I've lost the ability to talk at the moment so for now I'll be content to just let the loud chatter of The Three Broomsticks fill the silence.

"Here we are my lovelies!" Sirius exclaims, causing both Remus and me to jump.

He sets down three plates of food and then I stand to let him sit.

He sits down in the booth, between me and Remus and facing the rest of the pub.

"Let's dig in!" He exclaims, grinning.

He and Remus immediately begin to eat but I just stare down at my plate.

I'm not really hungry.

Well, I am, but there's something inside of my head thats stopping me from picking up my fork and digging in.

Something thats telling me I can skip one meal and be fine.

Something that's reminding me that the outfit I'm wearing is exposing my stomach.

Wrapping an arm around my stomach I shakily pick up my cup and take a drink.

"You not going to eat anything, James?" Remus speaks up.

I take my eyes off my plate to find him and Sirius staring at me.

I gulp slightly.

"Nah, I'm not hungry really," I say, a half smile flitting on my lips.

"Well I think you should eat something - " Remus starts.

"Yah Prongs! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Sirius interrupts, appalled at the thought of skipping a meal.

I shrug.

"Maybe I'll be hungry in time for lunch," I try to reason.

I don't know why they're suddenly paying all this attention to my eating habits.

They've never noticed if I skipped a meal before.

Well to be fair I never really noticed if I skipped a meal before.

I never really meant to, not like now at least.

Remus just gives me a stern look.

"...but yeah...I guess you're right," I force a smile.

Picking up my fork and slowly stabbing into my breakfast I can feel their eyes on me as I take a bite.

The food tastes like ashes in my mouth and my throat feels suddenly dry, but I chew and swallow like normal.

Soon enough they go back to their own meals and by the time we're all done I've got half a plate left and a sick feeling in my stomach.

I see Remus glance at my half finished plate as we all get up to leave but he doesn't comment.

We exit The Three Broomsticks and Sirius asks where we want to go.

I wrap my arms around myself and shiver as the wind blows.

"I don't care somewhere warm," I chatter through my teeth.

I deeply regret not bringing a hoodie.

Sirius takes one look at my shivering form and takes off his jacket.

"Here, wear this." He instructs.

Not in the mood to argue I take the jacket and am pleasantly greeted by a encompassing warmth as I put it on.

"Hey and it even goes with your outfit!" Siri laughs.

"Speaking of which where'd you get it? I don't think I've ever seen you wear something like this," Remus cuts in as we start walking down the street aimlessly.

I shrug my shoulders.

"I wanted to try something different..." I half lie.

This was really the only option i had but in all honesty I did want to go for a different look than I normally do.

"Well it looks good," Moony smiles softly.

I smile back.

"And this was actually Mary's dad's. Mary, Lily and Marlene helped me get ready and she happened to have some of her dad's things for me to borrow," I explain.

Sirius snorts loudly.

"And Mary's dad wears crop tops?" He bursts out laughing.

I roll my eyes and playfully shove him away from me.

"No, dumbass. Mary did some spell on it to shorten the length. Otherwise it would have gone to my mid thigh," I chuckle.

"She also said it was," I stop walking and strike a pose, "a fashion thing."

The other two Marauders burst out laughing and we all just stand here for a second before it dies down.

"You know, that makes a lot more sense than her dad owning a crop top," Siri chuckles, wiping some tears from his eyes.

I just nod my head as my smile fades, the happy feeling in my chest deflating.

Its nice to share a laugh but as soon as its over the same empty feeling I've become accustomed to lately comes back.

"Oh!" Sirius suddenly gasps, forcing myself out of my thoughts.

"I know the perfect place for us to go!" He exclaims, a wide grin on his face.

"C'mon!" He grabs mine and Remus' hand and begins dragging us to the other end of Hogsmeade.

When we get to our destination both Remus' and my Jaws drop.


Remus and I glance at one another before quickly hiding our grins and letting Padfoot drag us inside.

Never in a million years would I have thought I'd go to Madam Pudifoot's.

Even when I fancied Lily I had never thought about going here for a date.

It's so sweet and couple-y it's always made me want to puke.

But somehow, when Sirius drags the two of us u side and asks for a table for three, my stomach flutters instead of turns.

"Now I know we just ate and everything but I thought we could have a nice cup of tea before hitting up the rest of Hogsmeade," Padfoot explains. "Get ourselves nice and warm you know?"

Remus smiles and I nod, not knowing what else to do.

"And yes it's pretty cheesy but I thought it'd be a nice place to show off my boyfriends." He continues.

My heart skips a beat at the last word.


A small grin spreads on my lips.

We're boyfriends?

Kinda boring ik, filler really, but it's an update lol.

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