Padfoot's Talk

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James POV:

Running through the halls as fast as I physically can I practically fly up the stairs to Gryffindor tower.

Coming to a stop, panting heavily, in front of the fat lady I wheeze out the password and stumble through the portrait hole.

Making my way silently through the common room and up the stairs to the dorms I make sure to check the room before entering.

Remus is still out! Yes!

It's still fairly early and besides, Remus likes to sleep in on the weekends.

Tiptoeing through the dormitories I creep toward my bed, hoping to Godric I don't wake anyone.

"James?" The sleep addled voice of Remus Lupin whispers.

Damnit I was so close!

Stopping in my tracks and slowly turning to my left I see Moonys head poking out of his bed drapes.

"James what're you doing?" He asks.

He's still half asleep and i have to admit, his bed head is working for him.

"Had to use the bathroom..." I lie.

Moony just nods his head, most likely too tired to even suspect me of not telling the truth.

"Sorry if I woke you up, go back to bed," I tell him.

He shakes his head and closes his eyes, his head drooping a little.

Sighing I walk over to him.

Standing in front of him he sits up and pushes the bed drapes away.

"Remus you need your sleep." I say sternly.

Remus rolls his eyes under hooded eyelids.

"You're one to talk," he quietly slurs.

I hold back a smile.

Sleepy Moony is honestly adorable.

"Alright fine, if I promise to get more sleep will you?" I bargin.

He nods his head slightly and I'm about to walk away when I feel his arms wrap around my waist.


Remus doesn't answer but instead leans his forehead against my stomach, his arms still wrapped around me.

Sighing in half exasperation half adoration I rest my hands on his shoulders and cup his neck, leaning down slightly to rest my head on his.

After a few minutes of just standing here like this my neck begins to hurt.

Standing up slowly nudge Moony, who has since closed his eyes.

"Hey, don't go falling asleep like this, lay down at least," I whisper.

Remus opens his eyes and looks up at me, heavy eyelids and deep breaths.

He nods his head slightly and then crawls back on his bed and curls up.

Once again I'm about to leave when he catches my hand in his.

"Stay?" He mumbles and I raise my eyebrows.

Man, sleepy morning Moony is nothing like regular Moony.

I've seen him when he's tired before or after a full moon - but this is something completely different.

Nothing at all like how Remus normally is and totally out of character for him.

"James?" Remus whispers after I haven't answered.

I shake myself from my thoughts and slowly crawl into bed next to him.

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