Black Eyed Black

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Sirius' POV:

I grip Snapes arm and drag him away.

This year we - The Maurauders - have sorta laid off him.

He's been leaving us alone and we've been leaving him alone.

Mainly because I, along with Remus and Peter, have been too worried about James to bother with Snape.

Don't get me wrong I still dislike the git, but I no longer hate him with a passion.

"Let go of me!" He snarls, ripping his arm away from my grasp.

I let him break away but stop and glare at him nonetheless.

"I don't need your help, Mutt. You can go back to your keeper now and tell him I made it safely." He sneers, rolling his eyes.

I give an eye roll myself.

"I told Remus I'd take you to the Hospital Wing and so I'm going to do just that.

"Now stop being a dick I don't want to spend time with you more than you do me." I tell him and he just glares as he pinches the bridge of his nose - which is still gushing blood.

I grimace.

"Sorry about that, I honestly didn't mean to." I wince.

Snape gives me a weird look as we continue walking.

"What?" I ask, annoyed.

"Did you just apologize to me?" He asks incredulously.

I roll my eyes yet again.

"Yes, now don't make a big deal about it before I take it back."

He shuts up and so do I as we make our way to the hospital wing in silence.

Before we can call our for Madam Pomphrey she's already rushing toward us.

"You two!" She half yells in irritation.

"The days barely begun and you've already gotten in a fight! Detention both of you!" She exclaims and my jaw drops.

"What!? We haven't fought we bumped into each other and I accidentally elbowed him in the nose!" I say loudly as she begins to heal Snapes nose.

"Oh yes, it would be so out of character for the two of you to fight." She says.

This sarcastic witch doesn't believe me!

"He's telling the truth Madam Pom - " Snape begins but she shushes him.

"Tell that to his black eye!" She exclaims and I bring my lmhand up to my left eye.

It had been hurting for a bit but I figured it was okay.

"Yes Mr. Black don't think I did not notice." Madam Pomphrey raises an eyebrow at me.

She conjures a mirror and what do you know, my left eye is already turning a deep purple and black.

I grimace as I gently prod at it.

"Don't do that foolish boy! Go sit down over there and wait for me to finish healing Mr. Snape!" Madam demands and I do as she says.

When she's like this it's best not to argue.

She finishes healing Snape rather quickly and then turns on me, getting out a small tube of clear paste.

"Oi! That's freezing!" I exclaim as she rubs the cold paste on my bruise.

She scoffs.

"You should have thought about that before you chose to fight." She says.

"We didn't - " I begin, exasperated.

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