Thank You Mary's Dad

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James Potter POV:

"Okay so we are going to use my concealer since your skin tone is closer to mine than whatever shade you picked," Lily tells me as Mary takes my glasses off and set them to the side.

"Oi!" I exclaim, reaching out for them.

Suddenly there's a sharp smack on the back of my hand, not hard enough to hurt really but to leave a light sting.

"Hey!" I yelp, retracting my hand and  holding it to my chest.

"Stay still!" Marlene scolds as she puts a fluffy head band on me, effectively keeping my unruly hair out of my face.

"Like really where did you get this concealer it's way too light for you another are you blind or something?" Lily continues as if there were no interruption.

I cross my arms.

"I didn't even pick it out, Snape did! So if anyone's blind it's him!" I exclaim defensively.

Lily, who has - from what I can tell with my very blurry vision - been getting out her makeup, turns around from the counter quickly.

"What do you mean Severus? When did you and he become all buddy buddy?" She questions sarcastically.

"I swear if you're messing with him again - "

"No, no. I'm not messing with him he gave me the concealer willingly I didn't trick him or anything," I cut her off.

"Me and him are...friends...sort of?" I explain hesitantly.

I know we agreed to put the past behind us and be friends but the word just feels foreign on my tongue when referring to Snape.

"Friends? You and Snape?" One of them laughs - either Mary or Marlene I cannot tell.

"Yes, friends," I say rolling my eyes.

"I apologized for my behavior and we're on better terms now."

They all - from what I can tell - exchange looks.

"This better not be a trick or a prank Potter. I swear to God if you hurt Severus ever again - "

"You'll castrate me and pluck out my eyes I know," I roll my eyes again, a smirk on my lips.

"Don't worry I have no intention of harming him I swear. I just...want to be his friend. I'm tired of fighting..." I admit quietly.

I really am.

Every part of every day seems to be a fight for me.

A fight to get out of bed, a fight to shower and brush my teeth, a fight to go down to the Great Hall and eat with my friends.

School work is a fight.

Actually showing up to quidditch practice is a fight.

Simple everyday tasks that normally I wouldn't think twice about has become a fight and I'm tired of it all.

It takes up so much of my energy and that coupled with the fact that I never go to sleep before three in the morning these days...I just really don't want to fight with Snape.

"Good," Lily states, "Now, let's get to it."

The next fifteen minutes is a blur of powders and plumpers - which I had to physically refuse Lily from using on my lips for a solid five minutes.

But by the time they hand me back my glasses my face feels funny.

I put on my glasses and stand from the stool - wincing a little as my knees ache - and walk to the mirror.

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