Chocolate Comforts

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James POV:

Remus looks at me with wide eyes.


I swallow thickly and my heart beats painfully in my chest.

"J-James, what're you talking about?" Remus stutters.

'Hating myself more and more with each thought'...

I blink rapidly.

I hadn't meant to actually tell him that....


He takes a step toward me and I take a step back.

"James." Moony says, his voice is so soft, so broken that something in me snaps.

Tears spring to my eyes but I blink them away.

Shit shit shit.

"Um..." Fuck I can't breathe.

"James are you okay?" Remus raises his hands as if dealing with a wild animal.

Like I'm about to bolt.

Seems like a good idea to me.

"James!" Remus whisper-shouts after me as I run down the stairs.

I get to the common room before I trip over the carpet and land on all fours - my head narrowly missing the hard edge of the coffee table.

My breath is coming in gasps and my hand shakes violently as I raise it to my chest.

My heart hurts.

"Hey hey hey," Remus crouches down next to me but I barely even register that he's there.

"Breathe just breathe James."

Tears drop from my eyes and I'm still heaving for air.

"I-I c-can't." I choke.

"W-Whats happening to me?!" I manage to sob out.

"You're having a panic attack James and I need you to breath."

I shake my head desperately.

"No no no no I - I can't!"

Remus pulls me into his chest as I struggle to breathe.

He smells like chocolate.

"Breathe! James! Breathe!"


"What the hell was that?" Remus asks.

He's standing in front of me as I sit on the couch, his arms are crossed and he has a stern look on his face.

He's you.

I'm mad at me too.

"I...I don't know..." I mumble, wincing at how stupid I sound.

"That's never happened to me before."

It felt like I was dying.

"But what did you mean up in the dorm rooms?" Remus inquires quietly.

"I meant that - "

That I...hate myself.

What else could I have meant?

"Nothing," I meet his eyes and force a grin - one that's probably rather unconvincing, considering that my breath is still coming in gasps.

"I don't know why I said that - I meant nothing. It was nothing."

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