Detention Part. 2

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Sirius' POV:

" have seemed...less immature this year. You've barely said a word to me..." Snape says, almost to himself.

"Alright...we can try to be friends. No matter how painfully that sounds I think it would be beneficial." He states.

I grin.

"Brilliant. Are you going to Hogsmede tomorrow? Me, Remus, and James are, maybe I'll see you around?" I ask.

I'm half hoping he says he's not going - if only for the selfish reason that I don't want to have to spend any time with anyone other than Remus and James.

"Well, that depends on if Lily finds me in time tomorrow." He says and I let out a bark of laughter.

"She's wanting to drag you along is she?" I snicker.

"Yeah, she's hoping to take me Christmas shopping." He grimaces, imagining it.

I laugh some more at his expression.

"Sounds dreadful." I joke with a chuckle.

He shoots an amused smirk my way.

"What about you? What are you and your boyfriends going to be up to?" He asks and I almost choke om the bite of sandwich I just took.

"B-Boyfriends?!" I exclaim.

Snape rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, I've seen the way you all look at each other. It's bloody obvious." He says and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"It's not that obvious..." I mutter under my breath.

Snape gives a short laugh and I subconsciously register that this is the first laugh I've ever heard from him - the first non-malicious one.

"But you do not deny?" He says matter-of-factly and I know he's got me.

"Well..." I start.

"Okay so tomorrow is supposed to be our first date because earlier today I asked out Remus and he said he liked James and me and that James like him and I said I like James too and apparently James likes me as well so we're all going on a date tomorrow." I burst in one breath.

Snape raises one eyebrow as I continue.

"And I'm really nervous because I've never been on an actual date before. I've dated some guys but not guys like them and I really want it to go good."

Sighing I drop my head onto the table.

"I...I think that either way it'll go good...You all are best friends so no matter what you'll have a good time together..." Snape says slowly and I lift my head to look at him.

"You think?" I ask hopefully.

He nods his head thoughtfully

"I think you need to yourself..."

Snape suddenly grimaces.

"This is weird. Being civil to each other..." he admits and I nod in agreement.

"Yeah...I dint knie you had it in you to be nice." I chuckle, but then stop upon seeing his glare.

"I'm only joking!" I say, raising my hands in surrender.

He roll his eyes.

"Either way we need to get to work if we hope to be out if here by midnight." He stand ls and wipes imaginary crumbs off of his robes, then turns to go to the ingredients cupboard.

I sigh then follow.

So...I gained two boyfriends and made friends with Severus Snape...

What a day.

Detention went surprisingly fast and surprisingly good.

Snape and I got along fairly well, only fighting once - and that was over where the lionfish spines should go.

We finished around 11:40 and it's safe to say that I'm ready to lie down in my comfy bed.

I sling my bag over my shoulder right as Snape is locking up the cupboard.

Looking at his back he still looks small and frail, as if a gust of wind would knock him over.

Quickly opening my bag I grab a pastry and a piece of parchment, writing a little note before I leave it on the table, making sure that he'll see it.

Severus' POV:

I finish locking up the ingredients cupboard and turn around to find Black gone already.

I sigh in relief.

No matter how many times over the past few hours he's reassured me that he's not going to break a jar of pickled cockroaches over my back the moment I turn around I just can't bring myself to relax around him.

After all these years of bad blood he suddenly wants to make nice?

I don't buy it.

Not completely at least.

And who in their right mind would want to be friends with you anyways.

One of the voices in my head snarls

I roll my eyes as I pack up my things.

Black is probably just waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.

Or this entire thing is just a whole big prank.

Sure it was nice being on semi good terms with him, but that doesn't mean I trust him any more than I have the past four years.

And nothing he can do with make me trust him any mo -

My thoughts are cut off by the sight of a pastry, siting on the middle if the desk.

Along with a note.

Thought you might still be hungry, you were looking kinda faint.

It reads.

Make sure you get plenty of breakfast tommorrow.

Hope you like cherry!



Damn you Black.

This chapter is a little short but i thought this is an alright place to stop.

And okay ik Sev is a little ooc in forgiving him so easily but this is before sirius almost killed him with he werewolf incident and the Marauders haven't really pranked or bothered him all year so.

And I wasn't about to have him hating their guts for thirty chapters before finally being friends with them all.

I like me a good slowburn but not THAT slow a burn.

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