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James Potter POV:

"I have an idea..." Snape says.

Turning to him with wide eyes he stands up as well.

"Follow me," he tells me and begins to exit our secret corridor.

The secret corridor...


Snape is shorter than me by a couple inches but his long legs cause me to almost jog to keep up.

"Where're we going?" I ask.

Snape's step falters for a moment before he continues.

"Slytherin common room..." he mutters.

"What!?" I exclaim, holding out my hand to make him stop.

"Why the bloody hell are we going there!?" I look at him incredulously.

He's probably taking me there to snuff me.

Payback after all these years.

Snape sighs in partial exasperation.

"Because, I have something in my dorms that could help to conceal your lack of sleep." He says cryptically.

"Yes well that wasn't vague at all," I roll my eyes.

Snape gives me a deadpan look.

"Ugh, fine! But if this is all a plan to take me out I will haunt your ass for all eternity," I promise him.

Snape rolls his eyes slightly then smirks.

"Don't worry Potter, if I wanted to take you out, I would have done it by now."

He continues to walk, leaving me here in shock.

"Hey! Wait up!"

"Shh, you have to be quiet. The only person I share a dorm with is Regulas and he's a light sleeper," Snape whispers as we come to a stop in front of what I assume is his dorm room.

We have already snuck inside the common room and up here to the dorms so all that's left is to get whatever it is he's wanting.

He made me cover my ears when he said the password and then smacked my hand when I tried to touch something in the common room.


"Wait, isn't Regulas like, a couple years younger than us?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah but he convinced the guy I used to share with to trade with him. Not that he had to convince him much," Snape rolls his eyes bitterly.

After a moment of silence I clear my throat and smirk.

"Like your men younger do you then?" I joke.

Snape looks at me in disgust.

"No! Hell no! Regulas is like my brother I would never even consider him an option," he says, looking as if there's a bad taste in his mouth.

Wait...he didn't deny that he likes guys...

" do like your guys younger just not Regulas?" I prod.

Snape glares at me.

"I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. Now shut up and come on," he snaps quietly.

Raising my hands up in surrender I follow him silently as he opens his door and we sneak in.

He turns to me and puts a finger up to his lips.

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