The Nuclear Option

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James Potter POV:

" did he - what do the hell?"

I've been standing here, leaned over the bathroom sink, nose almost touching the fucking mirror, trying to figure out how the hell Snape did my concealer, for at least twenty minutes.

It shouldn't be this difficult, I know it's not this difficult but for some reason everytime I try to apply it to the bags under my eyes it's either too much or too little.

I either look like a fucking ghost or I look like my skin is melting.

"Screw this!" I exclaim, throwing the makeup brush Snape gave me into the sink.

Growling under my breath in frustration I can only think of one option.

The nuclear option.

Stuffing the concealer and brush back into my robes - which is where they've been residing since last night me having not changed since yesterday - I quickly scrub the concealer off my face and then exit the bathroom.

"Oi Prongs! Where you going!?" Siri yells at me as I dash past them and out of the dorms.

I bound down the stairs, ignoring the other Marauders' yells, and then come to a stop in front of another set of stairs.

How the hell am I supposed to do this...

Every other time we've tried it always ends up in big bruises and near concussions.

I can't yell to get their attention otherwise Remus and Siri might cone down to see what the commotion is.


I can do this.

Placing my hands on the walls either side of me, I use the railing to help me jump up to where my feet are on the walls too.

I grin for a second before it quickly disappears, I have to focus.

Slowly, inch by inch, I move my hands then feet until I'm moving up the stairs.

It's hard work, my arms are shaking and there are many close calls where I almost fall, but eventually I make it all the way up to the dorm door.

Almost painfully, I reach my right hand off the wall and out to the door digging my feet and other hand into the wall to jeep from falling.

Knocking quickly but firmly I immediately put my hand back on the wall, my arms shaking under my weight.

It takes a few second before the door is opened and I come face to face with a messy haired Lily.

I force a grin.

"Nice hair Evans."

She looks at me with wide eyes and before she can slam the door I hop down and push past her gently, pulling off my glasses and covering my eyes with my hand in the process.


"What the hell!?"

"Get out!"

Voices shriek at me.

Scruching my eyes closed as tight as they'll go I raise my free hand in surrender.

"Is everyone decent!?" I yell out over their protests

"Yes Potter now get out!" A girl near me - Lily - demands.

I sigh and drop my hand, putting on my glasses.

I turn to Lily.

"Good, now please! I need your help!" I say, half desperate.

We - Sirius, Remus, and I - are supposed to be meeting in the entrance hall in about thirty minutes!

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