Inside the Head of Severus Snape

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Severus POV:

I don't know what the bloody hell those damned 'Marauders' are playing at.

All year - all. Year. They have left me alone.

Alone in peace.

They've even stopped bothering Lily!

She told me she was sorta beginning to like Potter last year, so thank whatever terrible God he's ignoring her now, otherwise she'd probably an honorary member of their little gang by now.

Leaving me completely and totally alone.

No matter what Potter has always assumed, I've never like Lily that way.

Never really liked any girl that way to be honest.

But that's besides the point.

My point is that they've been basically ignoring me all year.

Not that I'm complaining, no not in the slightest, but it's fucking annoying constantly watching over my back - anticipating an attack at any moment.

So these past few months of peace, while they should have been just that, peaceful, have been a living hell.

I'm always looking over my shoulder, expecting Black to be holding a knife over me.

Or Potter to - oh bloody hell.

Here he comes now.

"Back again are you." I say quietly.

It's voiced as a question but we both know it's not.

What the hell is he doing here? I didn't actually expect him to have the - the gall to return here...

Potter just shrugs in reply and I slowly turn my gaze out onto the grounds.

Potters eyes, however, remain on me - I feel them studying me.

"It's rude to stare you know," I say, mocking his words from early.

I glance at him to see a faint flush, hard to tell in the dark but it's there.

"So I've heard." He mumbles then silence descends.

I look back at the grounds, ignoring Potters continuesly prying eyes.

He's judging...

I know he is.

When was the last time you brushed your hair?

"Shut up."

A quiet voice calls from over where Potters sitting.

I look at him to find him glaring down at the stone floor.

Did he read my mind!?

"I didn't say anything Potter." I feign ignorance.

Potter looks up at me in suprise, as if he'd forgotten I was here.

"I wasn't talking to you." He responds shortly.

. . .

Who the bloody hell was he talking to then!?

I knew Potter was crazy but not THIS crazy!

"Then who on Earth were you talking to?" I ask him, completely bewildered.

Potter simply laughs softly and taps his temple with his finger.

"The voice inside my head of course. Who else?" He tells me - dead serious.

...the fuck -

Oh don't act like you don't talk to me all the fucking time! Who else would you talk to?

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