Boys Are Stupid

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   School was certainly an interesting feat. Y/N found herself in yet another situation of dragging Jess around town. School was hell enough as it was, but having Jess in all of her classes, being seated right by her or behind her was just the cherry on top of the shit sundae. English was where everything got interesting. Mr. Anderson sat Jess in the empty seat by Y/N near the front, earning a not-so-subtle roll of the girl's eyes.

  "Aw, you wound me Y/N," Jess leans into her personal space, whispering to her without arousing anyone's attention.

  "Bite me," She hisses back, not giving him even a glance. Out of anything, Y/N actually liked this class, it was her subject of expertise, and she wasn't about to let this boy sour it for her.

  "I'm good thanks, not hungry," His persistence causes her to start bouncing her foot impatiently, clicking her pen at an unsteady rhythm. Jess secretly smirks as he faces the whiteboard, loving that it is so easy to get a rise out of the girl.

  Y/N Hayden should have expected that Jess was on her level when it comes to literature, but she was mainly caught off guard with how attentive he was being in class for the first time all day. Answering almost any question thrown to the room, many times before Y/N, much to her dismay. His extensive knowledge on Charlotte Bronte was impressive, sure, but all she could see was red, especially when all his answers were followed by a tilt of his head at her, or that stupid signature smug face he does.

  The bell rings, signifying the end of the lesson, and Y/N instantly gets up and starts shoving her books into her backpack violently, as all but one person clears out into the bustling hallway of Stars Hollow High.

  "Woah there, what did your bag ever do to you?" Her head raises so fast it's a surprise she didn't snap her neck. "Oh, scary face. Didn't anyone ever tell you guys like a girl who smiles?"

  "Didn't anyone tell you that no girl likes a know-it-all? Seriously! And you answered all of the questions without even a sense of urgency or care. Do you care about anything in life or are you just not planning to be around long enough to deal with the shit you cause?"

  "For your information, I care about plenty of things. And, what the hell... know-it-all? I know for sure you knew every answer I did. It was obvious on that pouty little face of yours,"

  "Oh, you know that? Wow, another thing you know. Must be why your head is so big," She steps up to him, not faltering even with this proximity meaning she has to look up slightly to meet his gaze. "Stay out of my way," Knocking into him aggressively, she exits the vacant room.

  "But who will show me where the lunchroom is?"

  "Find someone else, I'm sure you can figure it out yourself smart-ass,"


  Y/N meets Lane outside the grand doors of the school, who was pulling a plain grey hoodie over the top of her layered, rocker-chick outfit. When the girl sees how roughed-up her friend looks, Lane instantly moves to walk in time with Y/N.

  "Why do you look like you've just taken down an army? Did you punch that douche again for checking out Rory that one time she wore something less baggy than her moo-moo?" Her voice always rises in excitement when she is expecting to hear about some trouble her close pal causes.

  "No, I didn't, though please remind me to do so when I'm next in a shitty mood. At this rate, I guess that would be tomorrow," Her pace is speedy, and Lane struggles to keep up, so she grabs Y/N by the shoulder, pulling her to turn and stop so they're now face to face.

  "What happened?"

  "It's just that- I can't believe he- I mean what is his deal? Why is he so incessant on making everyth- I mean, right?" A puzzled look crosses Lane's face.

  "Okay, uh... Full sentences please?"

  "Jess! He's such a dick. I mean, he constantly has something to say, even when no one asked. To everyone else he is so aloof, but when it comes to me he can't keep his dumb face out of my business," Lane chortles, before catching herself and goes back to her concerned expression, earning a questioning gaze from the frantic girl.

  "Sorry, dirty mind. I'm a child, go on,"

  "I mean- is he obsessed with me or what?"

  "You wish," Jess speaks up after quietly leaning against a lamp-post, where he seems to have been for a while, overhearing the whole spiel. YN regains fortitude after losing face for a second, and flips him off before pulling Lane along with her, heading for Luke's diner.

  "He's probably just trying to impress you or something," Lane's tone is indifferent, as if what she just said didn't daze her friend completely.

  "What the hell are you on about? How is constantly getting in my face all the time at every little opportunity gonna impress me?"

  "Okay. Maybe impress is the wrong word... What I meant was, it looks to me like he just wants your attention - like, all your attention - all on him. It's like when little boys pull little girl's pigtails on the playground when they like them. Boys are stupid," The bell of the diner door jingles as they enter Luke's. "I mean, think about it, what if Je-"

  Y/N punches Lane's arm, more harshly than she meant to, but it shuts the other girl up, so it worked for all intents and purposes. "What the hell was that for?"

  "Keep your voice down. Don't talk about this here," She utters. Recognition flashes in the girl's eyes and she puts up finger guns, softly clicking with a wink as she shoots out imaginary bullets. Y/N's face loses it's tenseness, and she cracks a small smile at the absurdity of her mate.

  "Ooh, gossip? Is there gossip?" Lorelai peers her head between the girls, seemingly coming out of nowhere, startling the pair.

  "Nope. No gossip here, nothing but boring, uninteresting, throwaway small talk that's for sure and certain. Woah, would you look at the time, gotta be home, Ms Kim will be wanting me home for evening prayer" God, Lane is such a horrific liar. Y/N puts her head in her hands in anticipation of Lorelai's tsunami of consistent poking to try and pull anything she can from the girl who now stood in solitude.

  "Oh come on! Tell me... Tell me, tell me, tell me. Please, please, please, please, pl-"

  "Stop," An uncracking, deadpan stare fixes on the tall woman.

  "Please, I wanna know the gossip. This whole town thrives on gossip, you know that. If you don't tell me it's only a matter of time before Miss Patty gets her raccoon-like hands on it,"

  "Okay? So go over there and wait patiently for her to tell you herself,"

  "I don't wanna wait, don't make me wait. You know I hate waiting. What, is it about a boy?" She teases, and simultaneously, Jess saunters into the diner, hands shoved in his pocket. He stops when he sees Y/N, who is now wide-eyed in momentary panic. Lorelai looks at the young man, then back at Y/N. She gasps, and points her finger in the girl's face. Y/N swats it away and storms off up the stairs to the apartment. Jess remains somewhat rooted in place at the front of the building, and the Gilmore can see as cogs start turning in his head.

  "Don't think too hard, your big head might explode," Luke breaks the silence.

  "Why are people talking so much about my head today?" Jess screws his face up and Lorelai laughs.

  "Dirty. Sorry, inappropriate, I don't think I've had enough coffee. Hey Luke?"



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