Hole In The Wall

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  "Forget it." Jess speaks, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.

  "Why, what was wrong with that one?" Luke sighs in disbelief.

  "It was pink!"

   "Wouldn't want to hurt your masculinity there," Y/N joins in.

  "We can paint it,"

  "You mean you'll make us paint it,"

  "We can all paint it together,"

  "Great, then we can hold hands and skip afterwards," Jess snarks.

  "I just love when we spend time together," Y/N adds in with an extra dose of sarcasm.

  "Fine, which one do you like?"

"The one before," Jess decides.

  "The one with the two fridges?"


  "Well, the one before was the one with two fridges," Luke explains.

  "No, the one we saw before was the one with the cat," Y/N corrects him.

  "I hate cats,"

  "Well, I don't think the cat came with the place," Jess rationalises.

  "Yeah, but it had carpeting which means it's always gonna smell like a cat,"

  "Clean the carpet,"

  "Paint the pink,"

  "I think it's a hell of a lot easier a task to vacuum a carpet than to repaint an entire interior. What about the one next to the bank?" Y/N suggests, wanting to get this whole charade over and done with.

  "Too many windows. Six windows all on one side, three o'clock in the afternoon we're sitting in an oven,"

  "So we get curtains," Jess says, very clearly fed up with going in circles with this same issue.

  "Well, you'll have to help me put them up,"

  "Great, then we can hold hands and skip afterwards," Y/N laughs at Jess' satire.

  "Stop saying that,"

  "This clearly isn't going to go anywhere. You ask us what we want just to go and shut every single option out, just decide for yourself Luke,"

  "You're the one who wants to move," Jess agrees.

  "Oh, so you like living the way we do? No space, no privacy?"

  "Oh so you're comfortable leaving us alone all of a sudden? Cause last night you nearly had an aneurysm at the thought of me going into the back room two feet away from you just because Jess was there,"

  "What?" Jess' confusion becomes very evident at this new information.

  Luke seems stuck on what to say, he hadn't fully thought about the aspect of how moving away from the diner would make it a lot harder to keep and eye on the pair that seemed to have recently developed into a more interesting relationship. "You know what, I- Ugh. I'm done with this conversation, just shut up, we have three more places to look at, then you can go bother someone else,"


  Y/N is sitting at a table at the diner, and starts to write up the notes Lane offered her from the day of school she missed in her own notebook. Jess takes a seat across from her, nose in his book, and Y/N admires his focus from her perspective.

  "Hey, do you want to borrow Lane's notes from yesterday?" She taps her pen on said notes.

  "I'm good," He shrugs. "You want a refill?" His eyes go to Y/N's empty coffee mug.

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