Spreading Peace and Love to the Masses

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A/N: It has officially been two months since I've updated this! Since I've been gone, I've had to move house, I broke up with my boyfriend, I celebrated my birthday and I have started re-watching Gilmore Girls again. Anyway, sorry for making you wait so long, and just to warn you, this chapter will be almost guaranteed to piss you off, but I'm evil and Y/N is in the headspace to make very bad decisions lol. Enjoy <3 thanks for 11k reads wtf :o


  The phone starts to ring again. Y/N sighs in frustration, storming over to it. The diner had been hectic today, to the point where Luke made the executive decision to not take phone orders, so there has been a lot of the repetitive phrase 'I'm sorry, we are too busy to take orders over the phone, call again tomorrow'. She picks up the phone, sliding plates mounted with food to waiting patrons across the counter, and starts with the rehearsed speech, but pauses when she notices the other side of the phone is quiet. The lack of dial tone makes Y/N confused for a moment, and she racks her brain for who would call into a diner and just listen to the frantic rambling of an overworked teenager.

Y/N's breath catches in her throat. "Jess?" She whispers into the silent abyss on the other end of the phone. Luke overhears, as though his ears are trained for the name that has been a trigger for the recent downward spiralling of his ward. "I know it's you, Jess. What do you want?" Her voice gains more of a steady clarity. Again, there is no response. The only sound that can be heard from the other side is the hustle and bustle of a big city - cars honking, the whoosh of a bus stopping, people chattering.

Y/N's brain flickers with memories of her impromptu visit to New York, complete with the reminder of how she felt about him. She tries to shake it off, and clears her throat, "Okay, well... I don't think I have anything I need to say to you so, if that's it then-"

"-Can I talk to Luke?" His voice... it makes her heart stop. She must stay in stunned silence for a worrying amount of time, because Jess clears his throat. Y/N snaps back to reality, stretching the phone out in Luke's direction.

"It's for you,"

"Are you ok-" Luke asks, not taking the phone just yet, but the girl cuts him off, shoving the phone into his hand and yells out into the diner:

"Who needs a refill?" To which a handful hands raise in response. She speeds away, grabbing the fresh made pot of coffee. The first person she spots is Kirk, so she (very unsubtly) dodges him, moving past to serve other customers. The girl was not in the mood to deal with that lunatic right now, and she was drained of the usual energy she set aside to send him into a head spin.

"Hello?" Luke speaks, still keeping a watchful eye on Y/N.

"How mad is she?"

"Well, she's not skipping around town spreading peace and love to the masses," The call is quiet for a moment, "What do you want, Jess?"

"Doesn't matter, I've gotta go, just..."

"She'll be alright, just... give it time, Jess,"

"Yeah, uh, whatever, bye Luke," And with that, the line goes dead. Luke hooks the phone back onto the reciever and gathers his thoughts, before getting back to work.


After Luke's was closed up for the night, Y/N hid away in her room. Since the refurbishing of the apartment, she has been so glad to have the extra space. The room that would have been Jess' ended up being used as a storage room for all the stuff he left behind. There is a knock at the door, pulling Y/N out of her book.

"Yes?" Luke peers into the room, and awkwardly shuffles towards the foot of the girl's bed, taking a seat.

"How are you feeling?" The girl immediately rolls her eyes at this, fed up with Luke constantly treating her like she's fragile.

"What did he want? Calling to thank you for giving him an escape route out of this whacked out town?"

"He wanted to know how you are," Y/N scoffs loudly, staring at Luke incredulously.

"So, he calls, I pick up, he says nothing for 5 minutes, then when he finally does speak he tells me he wants to talk to you and now you're telling me that he wanted to know how I was, but didn't want to hear it from me? Well, that's sound logic, can't argue with that,"

"He's an idiot, but he clearly cares about you," Y/N gets up from her spot on the bed, grabs a coat and her keys and leaves the apartment, wanting to get away from this conversation as quickly as possible. She doesn't know where she is going until she gets there. It was like an out of body experience, like she had no control, no mind for having a destination, but some thought in her vengeance filled brain dragged her legs to here. A house she had never really been to, never had any reason before to go to, but was always aware of who lived there.

The Forester family home.

She wipes the tears of anger out of her waterline, not letting them spill and scans the windows. She notices a light on in one of the top rooms. Next thing she knows she is scaling a tree, and confirming her own theory. Inside, Dean is sitting at his desk, flipping through a notebook, so Y/N raps three times on the window. She smirked watching him jump with fright for a moment, and then he turned to look at the source of the noise. He tilts his head in a questioning type of way as he wanders over to the window, opening it up.

"I think you have the wrong house," He chuckles, "Unless you are here to rob me. But then again, I don't think knocking on the window would be the best way to go about that,"

"Hey! I thought we were good now. Well, goodish, right? So, are you gonna let me in or are you gonna watch me freeze to death in real time?" He smirks, and steps out of the way, allowing her to climb in.

"Seriously, what are you doing here? Not that I mind. This is a nice change from the usual 'kicking and screaming' act that tends to happen when we are around each other," Y/N shrugs instead of answering. She pokes about at things on his shelves, giggling when she finds a particularly nerdy figurine.

"Now this is adorable. Didn't realise you were such a big fan of the 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'," She teases, showing off her find. He flushed with embarrassment at her, and tries to grab it from her hand, but she keeps pulling it out of reach, which proves to be quite a difficult task due to him being a lot taller than her. After a couple failed attempts, he grabs her side slightly to get more leverage - that's when Y/N suddenly yelps out, like a wounded puppy dog.

"What the hell was that?" He laughs, startled by the sudden outburst. Her cheeks fill with a deep red colour, and she starts to avoid eye contact. "Wait a second... Are you ticklish?"

"What? No!" This is said in a completely unconvincing tone, so he jolts forward, pinching at her waist, eliciting a lot of giggles and shrieks, ending up with them in a pile on Dean's bedroom floor. As the thud happens from their descent, Dean suddenly gets worried that his family might hear this and freak out, so he places one hand over her mouth gently, and stops tickling her. Their eyes stay connected, and a sudden tension fills the room. Dean clears his throat and shuffles off to sit on his knees beside her. He offers her a hand to sit up, and she goes to take it, then sneaks her other arm around his back and pulls him in for a kiss. At first, he looks unsure, pulling away after just a second, but they meet eyes again, and he leans down to kiss her again, this time deeper.


A/N: lol sorry not sorry (Jess will be back soon I promise don't kill me).

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