I Would Have Let You Ruin Me

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Content Warnings: Cheating, Steamy

- Third Person POV

What is one to do after learning that someone feels that way about you? That you could be embroidered into someone's very being like that, whilst under the impression that you were naive for feeling like that same way? And in such a poetic, raw manner. It felt as though Y/N was having her entire belief system destroyed brick by brick.

There weren't any words that she could piece together to explain what was running through her brain once those words came out of the page. She couldn't bring herself to close the book, to stop running over each meticulously crafted word, to allow herself to comprehend the truth of the matter that this was Jess' honest thoughts, in his indistinguishable penmanship.

"Y/N," Rory's soft spoken way of saying her name seems to ground her, a reminder that she is here, in the now. Tearing her eyes from the page she meets those doe eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't even know how I could if I tried," Y/N's hands seem take the opportunity this distraction has brought to put the book away in her bag, but even this action doesn't feel as though it is happening on this plain of living for her. "I mean, like... Fuck, right?"

"I mean... It was beautifully intimate. If someone wrote that eloquently about me, I'd fear I might die on the spot,"

"Even if that guy was Jess Mariano?" The girl humours her, causing them both to lightly laugh.

"He's an acquired taste, but he clearly has layers to him," Rory places a hand on her knee comfortingly.

"Do you think Dean would write something like this for you?" The question seems careful, as though she is trying not to push any boundaries or cause any harm.

"I think if he had such a way with words, he would write something meaningful and touching like that. Well, maybe not to the extent of raw emotion in that. Reading what Jess wrote... It just hit me that this is what people are writing about in all those love songs and sonnets. It's larger than me and Dean," A pang of sadness pulses in Y/N's chest, and she places a hand atop of Rory's.

"You know he loves you with his whole being, right? At least, that's how it seems from the peeks I've had into your relationship,"

"It's been a recent development but... I think I could be slowly falling out of love with him as time goes on. I've heard how relationships get to a stage where everything seems to be at a bit of a lull, but I've noticed how neither of us seem to be putting in much effort to break free of it. So in truth, I don't think Dean towards me feels the way Jess does for you. I honestly don't believe it was ever at that intensity,"

Tears begin to well at the corners of her eyes, and Y/n moves fast to wrap the girl in her arms. Once Rory's head finds a place across her lap, she strokes her hair softly, tucking the strands that fell across her puffy red face behind her ears.

"Do you want me to get Lorelai?" After the girl feels Rory shake her head against her, Y/N racks her brain for something else she can do for the sobbing girl. "Do you want tea?"

"Yes please," she sniffles, sitting up. "I'll show you where everything is," Rory stands, and holds a hand out to pull Y/N up from the bed, which she takes meekly.

- Y/N's POV

Morning comes, the smell of coffee wafts through under Rory's bedroom door. I sit up and stretch, being rewarded by a satisfying set of clicks from my bones, and peer over to see Rory still comfortably in dreamland. Instead of pulling her out of that, I grab the mugs from last night that ended up residing at the foot of the mattress and quietly head into the kitchen.

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